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September 16th, 2014 E Day Learning Targets Agenda

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1 September 16th, 2014 E Day Learning Targets Agenda
Target 1: I can apply my knowledge of Greek and Latin prefixes, roots, and suffixes to determine the meaning of unknown words and improve my vocabulary. Bell Work: Anagram Check-In Unpacking the Learning Target Individual Practice deconstructing words Anagram Homework: Read for 20 minutes

2 Deconstruction “When you learn one word, you learn ten. When you learn one ROOT, you learn exponentially more words.” Listen to it (2x) Write about it Talk about it

3 Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes
A word root is a part of a word. It contains the core meaning of the word. Example: The Latin root “scrib” or “script” means “to write” A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. It cannot stand alone. Example: The Greek prefix “bio” means “life” A suffix is a word part that is placed at the end of a word to change its meaning. It cannot stand alone. Example: The Latin suffix “fy” or “ify” means “to make or cause to become” (beautify- to make or become beautiful)

4 Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes
Break these words up into their prefix, word root, and suffix (Hint: not every word has all 3 parts) Prefix, Word Root, Suffix Malfunction Report Unconscionable Scornful Preposterous Impolite Mal/ funct/ ion Re/ port Un/ conscion/ able Scorn/ ful Pre/ poster/ ous Im/ polite

5 Root Walls root

6 Root Walls

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