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Anirudh Balasubramanian | Noah Goetsch | Lei Haun

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1 Anirudh Balasubramanian | Noah Goetsch | Lei Haun
Caterina Centeno | Joseph Koch

2 Company Background Multinational Corporation specializing in consumer and business technology Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen Headquartered in Redmond, Washington Current CEO: Satya Nadella  Succeeding Steve Balmer in 2014 UWM Alumni 

3 Products and Services Business and consumer technology/software
Video Games: Xbox gaming console Operating Systems: Windows (98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) Tablets: Microsoft Surface Tablet Mobile Phones: Windows Phone Servers: SharePoint, SQL, etc. Software: Microsoft Office, Skype for Business, etc.

4 Financial Figures Fortune 500 rank in 2017: 28 revenues ($M) $85,320
Revenue change  -8.8% Profits($M) $16,798 Profit change 37.8% Assets($M) $193,694 MKT Value as of 3/31/2017($M) $508,935 Employees 114,000 Previous rank: 25


6 Global Presence Area Headquarters Development Centers IT Centers
Operation Centers Research Labs Offices: Sales, Marketing, Services  Technical Support Centers 

7 Global Presence (continued)
Area Headquarters Serves as hub for regional activities Sales, business development, marketing  China, France, Germany, Singapore, Turkey, and the U.S. Development Centers Software engineers improving current & creating new technology  Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Serbia, Switzerland, U.K., U.S. IT Centers Design, deploy, manage, troubleshoot, support global IT infrastructure China, India, U.S.

8 Global Presence (continued)
Operation Centers Software manufacturing and fulfillment, electronic software distribution, volume licensing, logistical support activities. Ireland, Puerto Rico, Singapore, U.S.  Research Labs House top minds in computing; work to advance products & technology  13 locations around the globe China, India, U.K., Germany, Egypt, Israel, 7 labs in the U.S.

9 Global Presence (continued)
Offices: Sales, Marketing, Services Operate as independent corporate subsidiaries Generate majority of revenue  In over 100 countries "We’re located close to our customers to help us better understand their needs and the local market."  Technical Support  "We solve the toughest customer issues and improve our company’s products, programs, and services." 70 locations worldwide Largest centers based in China, Europe, India, Japan, and the U.S.  Global Presence  (continued)

10 Global Expansion Data centers in Africa Johannesburg and Cape Town
Microsoft HoloLens Self-Contained Holographic Computer Now Available in Australia, France, UK, Germany, Ireland, & New Zealand 

11 Microsoft & Currency 40 years ago Paul Allen and Bill Gates
Stock Price started at $21.56 Windows 95' -- Internet Explorer Dotcom bubble

12 Financial Risks In most microcomputers software market, Microsoft is the dominant enterprise. This led to a lot of dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction does not exist only among competitors   Microsoft's Online Services Division has been continuously loss-making since 2006 and in Q it lost $ 726 million. This follows a loss of $ 2.5 billion for the year 2010

13 Political Risks Expanding into emerging markets
Dispute with the U.S. Government Offshore data servers in Ireland Contains a vast amount of customer data U.S. Government ordered Microsoft to turn over the data Microsoft refused since the prosecutor cannot search personal data in another country The Judge denied the claim & the U.S. is aggressively trying to obtain jurisdiction

14 FATCA Law Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Foreign financial institutions to provide customer data of U.S. clients Since Microsoft has its data servers offshore, it's considered foreign

15 Thank you for listening!

16 Sources

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