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By Lurenda Gilder for the Shadbolt Center

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Presentation on theme: "By Lurenda Gilder for the Shadbolt Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lurenda Gilder for the Shadbolt Center
Grade 12 Review By Lurenda Gilder for the Shadbolt Center

2 Camera RAW vs. Jpeg Camera RAW takes up more space on the memory card.
Best way to go for printing and for photoshop.

3 Camera RAW on a Canon

4 Today For today’s class go with jpeg medium. Cameras on Manual.

5 Focus Yes you can change it around. The red dot moves around.
Choose single focus.

6 Focus Press the top button as this is pressed down move the focus around with the below buttons.

7 Why bother moving it around?
Not everything is in the middle!!!

8 White Balance

9 Custom All cameras are so very different, please feel free to look up how to customize your white balance. Really? Auto usually works then fix it in PS.

10 What does WB do? Adds the opposite – so shade, if placed there, your camera will add warmth.

11 Shutter Speed It is usually a 1 over something. So in this example it means that the gates in the camera will open and close at 1 /125th of a second.

12 Shutter Speed The higher the number, the faster the gates open/close which means less light enter into the camera.

13 Shutter Speed The higher the number the darker the result, but also the higher the number the more frozen the result. Which has the high shutter speed? Which has the lower one?

14 Lens Length Shutter Rule
Check out your lens length. If you DO NOT have a tripod or you are photographing a living object, memorize this. Your shutter denominator needs to be higher than your lens length. Set up your shutter first.

15 ISO Camera sensitivity to light.
The lower the light situation the higher this ISO needs to go. You really want to stay around …but you may end up with blur in low light situations. So it’s best to go higher with ISO.

16 Problems with a higher ISO

17 Let’s shoot I’ll have to come around to set up your F-stops for now.
Set your shutter first. Then your ISO. I’ve already talked too much. Time for me to sh---- up! Area 1, drop a penny into water and freeze it. Area 2, roll dice and freeze them. Area 3, shoot product. Area 4, shoot jewelry. Remember focus and remember shutter / lens length rule and WB. Or we will go outside!!!

18 F-stop No it isn’t a swear word.
The lower the f-stop the larger the opening, the more light.

19 F stop

20 Where is it? Ahh..thought you would never ask - it’s the F _______…all cameras are different, let me come around and find it for you on yours!!

21 What else does it do? Allows more or less in focus.
You want to blur the background? Have a lower F- stop. You want everything and the kitchen sink in focus? Raise the Fstop.

22 Aperture You are photographing an elderly woman who is worried about her wrinkles. What aperture would you use?

23 You are photographing Landscape
What aperture would you use?

24 Lens Length Works the same as aperture. The longer the lens the less in focus.

25 Closeness The closer you get to an object the lower the depth. Try it. In fact you will try it after the next slide.

26 Friendly reminder: LENS LENGTH SHUTTER RULE. WHAT IS IT….

27 Another shoot break! Play around with F stops in photographing the flowers.

28 Grey Card and Exposure Yes, I’ve let you struggle…why? Evil.
Here’s a cheat sheet. You want the little arrow at 0.

29 Steps Set up your shutter. Set up your aperture. Set up your ISO.
Go into metering modes settings. Go with spot metering for everything other than landscape.

30 Steps Cont. Next take that spot and measure it against something that is a midtone. Grey card is best or a shaded sidewalk, or grass, or leaves, or something midtone. Adjust your ISO so that the exposure goes to 0. Here is an example where the skin is exposed, not the background. If you did average metering we would get a silhouette.

31 Where found:

32 Review I will place you into groups to answer the following questions.
Group 1 will do page 1 only. Group 2 will do page 2 only. Group 3 will do page 3 only.

33 AV, Tv, P, S, settings. M you know.
Av, aperture priority, set that up and ISO and shutter changes around. Tv or S, set up the shutter and the others change around. P, set up the ISO, and the others change around.

34 Step 2 Portraits No one wants to look older or fatter.
But sometimes older and fatter is gorgeous. Lee Jeffries photography.

35 Lets shoot portraits. Use a longer lens otherwise the person ends up looking like a horse. If all you have is a short lens, back up and crop in PS. Crop so that the eyes are closer to rule of 1/3. Shoot 1/3 stop lighter. Use a fill card. White or gold card under the person. Use a larger light. In our case window light. I’ll give an example on direction. Non stop and move into the shot. Meter something that is a midtone that is facing the same light source as the person’s face.

36 Focus and settings for Portraits
Low f stop. Point focus in between the eyes. Shutter higher than lens length. ISO, whatever needed. Camera setting neutral. Take 30 shots of each other.

37 Metering against backlit.
Now, lets try metering with the person’s face backlit. Meter for the skin.

Flash usage is up next.

39 Flash Flash fill – just flicking in a bit of light to rid the darker circles caused by overhead sunlight/cloud. Key shift – lighting the whole image and environment with your flash. See how much happier the model is when we use proper flash?

40 Where are the settings;

41 Nikon

42 Flash Fill Go into the negatives.
Just a flicker of light needed. The environment is lighting the person. Setting would be - 1 or -.7, so almost a stop lower than your camera set up. Flash power a bit less than the light surrounding the girl.

43 Flash fill

44 Key Shifting The item is a silhouette. So much backlighting that the main object is black. You need your flash to light the whole thing. This is a +1 or +2 or +3.

45 Key Shifting steps: Shoot the background so that it turns out.
Have the object in front of the background. Set your flash to +2 to start. Too bright? Lower your flash. Too dark? Increase your flash.

46 Yes we are going to photograph one another full length
Backlit – key shift Front lit – flash fill.

47 Let’s go over results!

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