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1 Security

2 We want security. Home security Job security National security
Eternal security

3 True Security Is In: God’s Word

4 Security in God’s Word 1 Peter 1:22-25
22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, 23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, 24 because  “ All flesh is as grass,       And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.       The grass withers,       And its flower falls away,        25 But the word of the LORD endures forever.” Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you

5 Security in God’s Word Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;       It shall not return to Me void,       But it shall accomplish what I please,       And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

6 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church

7 Security in Christ and His Church
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Colossians 2:9-10 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

8 Security in Christ and His Church
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, Romans 3:24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

9 Security in Christ and His Church
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus,

10 Security in Christ and His Church
1 Corinthians 15:19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

11 Security in Christ and His Church
2 Corinthians 5:19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself Galatians 2:4 And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus Colossians 1:28 Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

12 Security in Christ and His Church
Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

13 Security in Christ and His Church
Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Ephesians 3:21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

14 Security in Christ and His Church
Ephesians 1: And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 1 Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.

15 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church Spiritual Growth

16 Security in Spiritual Growth
2 Peter 1:5-11 Colossians 1: And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.

17 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church Spiritual Growth
Being God’s Servants

18 Security in being God’s servants
1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. cf. 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.

19 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church Spiritual Growth
Being God’s Servants Good Works

20 Security in good works 1 Timothy 6: Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, 19 storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

21 Security in good works Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Titus 3:8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

22 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church Spiritual Growth
Being God’s Servants Good Works Heavenly Treasures

23 Security in heavenly treasures
Matthew 6: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

24 Security in heavenly treasures
Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: Acts 20:35 I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

25 True Security Is In: God’s Word Christ and His Church Spiritual Growth
Being God’s Servants Good Works Heavenly Treasures

26 No Security In: Feelings – Proverbs 14:12
Doctrines of Men – Matthew 15:9 Denominationalism – 1 Cor. 3:1-4, Rom. 8:6-7 OSAS – 2 Peter 3:17, Revelation 2:10

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