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Unit 6 Review Crises and Achievements: Scientific and Technological Advancements, World War I, Revolution in Russia, Between the Wars, and World War.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Review Crises and Achievements: Scientific and Technological Advancements, World War I, Revolution in Russia, Between the Wars, and World War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Review Crises and Achievements: Scientific and Technological Advancements, World War I, Revolution in Russia, Between the Wars, and World War II

2 Unit 6, Section 1 – Scientific and Technological Achievements (late 1800s – Early 1900s)
Advancements in Medicine 1600s – discovery of germs using microscope 1880s – germ theory of disease 1928 – development of antibiotics Improved Standard of Living Labor unions worked for better working conditions and higher wages Better housing in urban areas Improved sanitation lowered death rates (cleaner water) New inventions – light bulb, telephone, automobile, airplane, radio Population Explosion New technology and advancements in medicine made life healthier and safer People lived longer, fewer children died New Scientific Theories Marie Curie – Radioactivity Einstein – relativity Freud - psychoanalysis

Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I **REMEMBER THE MAIN CAUSES OF WW1** Militarism - many nations in Europe were building up their militaries and didn’t trust each other. This led to an arms race (build up of weapons). Alliances - because countries didn’t trust each other, they created alliances (teams) – the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy), and the Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia). Imperialism- European countries were competing with each other for colonies and economic power. Nationalism- made certain countries strong (like Germany and France) and other countries weak because different ethnic groups wanted their own countries. Armenian Massacre : violence against Armenians by the Turks.

4 Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I
June 28, 1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated. Chain reaction: Austria declares war on Serbia, and countries support alliances. There were two main alliances: the Central Powers and the Allies.

5 Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I
New Technology Trench warfare began, in which troops dug huge ditches along the front. Many soldiers were killed and it was difficult to gain ground. New weapons - machine guns, tanks, submarines, airplanes, poison gas, gas masks.

6 Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I
Civilian Life Total war – all of a nation’s resources go into the war effort: People are drafted to fight Gov’ts raise taxes and borrow money to pay for the war Gov’ts ration (limit) supply of goods Gov’ts print propaganda to gain support Women took jobs

7 Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I
End of the War The US tried to stay neutral (not get involved), but they entered the war in 1917 and helped the Allies win. The war ended on 11/11/18. Millions of people had died or were injured. Economic losses were huge as countries tried to pay for the war.

8 Unit 6, Section 2 – World War I
Treaty of Versailles In 1919, Allies met to work out the terms of peace. Land taken away from Germany. Germany blamed for war. Germany forced to pay reparations. League of Nations formed to keep peace.

9 Unit 6, Section 3 – Revolution ni Russia
Causes Late 1800s – czars abused their power Peasants poor and unhappy Urban workers poor and unhappy Ethnic minorities felt nationalism – did not want their culture taken away Czar’s troops killed peaceful protestors on “Bloody Sunday” Russian Revolution of 1905 – Czar gives up power!

10 Unit 6, Section 3 – The Russian Revolution
The provisional government that was set up did not do a good job. Lenin led the Bolsheviks, a revolutionary socialist party that Lenin believed would guide the revolution in Russia. Lenin followed the ideas of Karl Marx. Lenin gained support of unhappy people by promising “Peace, Land, and Bread”. In 1917, the Bolsheviks, now called communists, overthrew the government.

11 Unit 6, Section 3 – The Russian Revolution
Russia’s Civil War : Lenin’s troops, called the Red Army, battled the czar’s forces. Red Army won, the Communist party became the only legal party. Lenin established the New Economic Policy, which helped the economy to recover. By 1922, Lenin established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or Soviet Union. **Turning Point – Russia becomes the first COMMUNIST nation**

12 Unit 6, Section 3 – The Russian Revolution
Stalin Takes Over – 1924 During the Great Purge, Stalin got rid of enemies. Turned USSR into a totalitarian state – he was dictator and had all power. Established a command economy in which gov’t made all economic decisions. Wanted to turn the USSR into a modern industrial nation. Launched a series of five-year plans to build industry and increase farm and output. Industrial production increased but consumer goods didn’t. Goods were low quality. Peasants forced on collectives – large farms operated by the government. People hated this! Forced famine in the Ukraine.

13 Unit 6, Section 3 – The Russian Revolution
Life in a Totalitarian State

14 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for WW1. Land taken away, military restricted, and Germany had to pay reparations and accept war guilt. The League of Nations was formed to try and keep world peace. The US did not join.

15 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
Collapse of Empires Because of nationalism and the war, Austria-Hungary collapsed and several new nations were formed (Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia) The Ottoman empire (the “Sick Man of Europe) broke up.

16 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
National Movements Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – the father of modern Turkey. Overthrew sultan with nationalist group Young Turks Secular (non-religious) constitution adopted Women given more rights (voting, employment) Government funds industrial programs Wanted Turkey to WESTERNIZE its society (clothing, alphabet) Opposed by Muslim religious forces

17 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
Arab Nationalism – Arabs sought to be free of foreign control. Pan-Arabism was a movement that sought unity of all Arab peoples Zionism – Jewish people wanted to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

18 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
In India Gandhi became a central figure in the struggle for independence. Emphasized civil disobedience (nonviolent resistance to British rule). Famous for hunger strikes, economic boycotts. Led the Salt March in to protest British tax system. Indian National Congress – Nationalist group that worked for Indian independence. In 1947, Britain granted independence to India. Jawaharlal Nehru becomes India’s first prime minister. He introduces the policy of nonalignment. India faces many challenges after independence.

19 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
In China: After Sun Yat-sen stepped down, the economy collapsed and peasants struggled. There was a civil war between Nationalists and Communists (led by Mao Zedong).

20 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
Women’s Suffrage Movement: Mid-1800s – women in industrialized nations begin to demand more rights, including property rights suffrage (the right to vote). Worldwide Depression - economic problems in Europe, nations had war debts, lack of jobs, American stock market crashed in 1929, triggering the Great Depression. **Impact: many people lost faith in democracy and capitalism, and wanted to support strong leaders who wanted intense nationalism, militarism, and authoritarianism. **

21 Unit 6, Section 4 – Between the World Wars
The Rise of Fascism Fascism = dictator, nationalism, imperialism, anti-communism, discipline, strict control of economy, use of violence/terror, censorship of media Began in Italy (leader = Mussolini) and Germany (Hitler) because people wanted a strong ruler! In Japan: many people are unhappy in Japan in the 1930s. Japan begins a policy of imperialism to get natural resources from other countries.

22 Unit 6, Section 5 – World War 2
Hitler wanted to expand Germany. He violated the Treaty of Versailles: rebuilt an army, invaded the Rhineland, took over Austria, took over the Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia where many Germans lived) Western countries such as Great Britain and France were afraid of war with Hitler. They gave in to him to avoid war. This is known as appeasement. **Appeasement FAILED. War began in Sept when Germany invaded Poland**

23 Unit 6, Section 5 – World War 2
The US Enters the War At first the US was neutral, meaning they did not want to get involved in the war. However, the US refused to sell war materials to Japan. On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. The US entered the war on the side of the Allies after that.

24 Unit 6, Section 5 – World War 2
Hitler wanted to get rid of certain groups of people, especially Jews. Hitler set up concentration camps where Jews were starved, killed, or worked to death. Over 6 million people died. The attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group is called genocide **HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION!!**

25 Unit 6, Section 5 – World War 2
The End of the War in Europe: Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945 Allied leaders met at the Yalta Conference. Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt agreed to divide up Germany and Stalin would oversee new governments in Eastern Europe. Nazi leaders were tried and found guilty for “crimes against humanity” at the Nuremberg Trials.

26 Unit 6, Section 5 – World War 2
In the Pacific (Japan): The US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki Millions of Japanese civilians were killed and Japan surrendered on August 10, **In September 1945, world leaders met to form the United Nations to keep peace.**

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