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Advantages & Disadvantages of the North and South During the Civil War

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Presentation on theme: "Advantages & Disadvantages of the North and South During the Civil War"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantages & Disadvantages of the North and South During the Civil War

2 Advantages of the North
Demographics: 22 Million people living in the North Support of 23 states Self sufficient in food Large amount of immigrant labor Economic Factors: Many factories producing a wide range of products Effective banking system Government backed currency Produces almost all of it’s own military hardware

3 Advantages of the North
Technology/Education: Relatively high rate or literacy Many public schools as well as colleges in numerous states Military/Navy 16,000 men in army already at start of the war More then 1 million men enlisted by the end of the war 42 ships at start of the war, 700 by the end Naval superiority leads to blockade of Southern ports

4 Advantages of the North
Transportation: 21,000 miles of track, 5,000 more built during war Good canal and road systems Diplomatic Relations: After Emancipation Proclamation there was growing European support Geographic: Free movement of troops and supplies throughout Union territory during the war Fighting an offensive war

5 Advantages of the South
Demographic: Self sufficient in food Defending their homes and rights Economic: None Technology/Education: Some great technological achievements such as first iron-clad war ship Military schools, many good military leaders Tradition of horsemanship, marksmanship, and outdoor living

6 Advantages of the South
Transportation: Only 9,000 miles of track Diplomatic Relations: Early sympathy for Confederates from Britain and France, because of desire of raw cotton Political: None

7 Advantages of the South
Geographic: Home field advantage Shorter supply lines

8 Disadvantages of the North
Military/Navy: Many officers were appointed for political reasons or elected by their men and proved to be ineffective Many men from towns and cities not used to firearms, horses, and camp life Diplomatic Relations: Relations with Europe was not good at start of war

9 Disadvantages of the North
Geographic: Supply lines are long and not as stable

10 Disadvantages of the South
Demographic: Only 11 states with a population of 9 million people Little immigration because of lack of economic opportunities Economic: Limited factories Few banks Reliance on imported goods Confederate bonds produce little revenue

11 Disadvantages of the South
Technology/Education: Reliance on human power and handcrafting Little emphasis on education, few colleges and universities Military/Navy: No army at start of war No navy at start or war, concentrated on blockade running

12 Disadvantages of the South
Transportation: Only 9,000 miles of track, much was destroyed in the war Dependent on river and coastal transportation Diplomatic Relations: Little material support from other countries

13 Disadvantages of the South
Political: Has to create a national government from scratch Doctrine of States’ Right’s lead to problems between Jefferson Davis and state leaders

14 Northern Military Strategies
On the offensive Three Points: (The Anaconda Plan) Take Richmond Control Mississippi River and split Confederacy Naval Blockade to stop trade with Europe

15 Southern Military Strategy
Defend their land and live independently in peace

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