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Who knew I would get here from there: How I became the ChemConnector

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Presentation on theme: "Who knew I would get here from there: How I became the ChemConnector"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who knew I would get here from there: How I became the ChemConnector
Antony Williams ACS San Francisco August 2014

2 Who am I today? I am VP Strategic Development, ChemSpider for the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) - publisher A founder of ChemSpider, RSC cheminformatics team manager, collaborations, business development, social marketing - cheminformatician Oversee team developing solutions - manager Scientific publications - scientist Blogger, writer of books – author I – social networker

3 My background… Worked in Government lab as postdoc
Academia as NMR Facility Manager Fortune 500 Company as NMR Tech Leader Start-up as product manager, marketing manager, Chief Science Officer Consultant – chemistry informatics industry Company owner – Created ChemSpider Now at Royal Society of Chemistry (bought ChemSpider)

4 Do I inspire the next generation?

5 Do I inspire the next generation?




9 A New World of Contribution
Times have changed Immediacy of social networks Commenting on articles/data is here The “participating scientist” has high profile And who can be a scientist now???

10 A Ten Year Old Scientist


12 Inspiring in Cheminformatics..

13 The ChemDraw Wizard

14 What of Hexacyclinol?

15 The Blogosphere “Discusses”…

16 Oxidation by Sodium Hydride?

17 The Blogosphere Analyzes…

18 The Blogosphere Analyzes…

19 How much is in the archives?

20 Open Notebook Science Analysis

21 Faster Science, Better Science

22 Cheminformatics Communities Blue Obelisk: http://en. wikipedia

23 Twitter Contribution #RealTimeChem 2013
Twitter-based community project designed to encourage chemists to: actively engage with one another online by sharing what they are working on at any given time

24 #RealTimeChem Still Active

25 I am ChemConnector

26 Why am I a Connector?

27 Why am I a Connector?
Connectors are the people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social equivalent of a computer network hub. They usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles.

28 Endorsements

29 You will be a set of statistics & profiles
Number of papers, patents, citations, grants, …. My Blog: Twitter: Amazon Author Page: Follow Link to Author Page My Klout: LinkedIn: SlideShare: Google Scholar Citations Profile: Antony Williams Citations Researcher_ID: Wikipedia : Mendeley Profile:

30 Connections

31 Chemistry Social Networking
Methods of sharing MY science online include: Wikis or blogs Slideshare for presentations YouTube for videos Flickr, Wikimedia etc. for images ChemSpider for chemistry GoogleDocs for data Google Scholar Citations for citations Microsoft Academic Scholar for papers

32 Try and EXCITE students
What I am trying to do today is highlight what is possible with cheminformatics…what impact you can have with participating What is available for them to use? What can they contribute to? How important cheminformatics will be to them? Not everyone has to be a programmer – a basic knowledge of scripting goes a long way

33 ChemSpider

34 Cholesterol on ChemSpider

35 Computers outperform experts

36 1D & 2D NMR Synchronized Processing
The Software displays correlations for assigned spectra and structures, and highlights correlations that are likely to be erroneous.

37 Single Molecule AFM

38 CASE vs Microscopy? DOI: 10.1002/anie.201203960

39 Try and not BORE students
There is work necessary to define the underpinnings Molfiles InChIs Spectral formats Chemical information searching And so much to use….

40 LearnChemistry

41 SpectraSchool

42 SpectraSchool


44 LearnChemistry Wiki

45 Spectral Game

46 Helping Students Connect…
Career-wise, NOT having a personal presence online is likely already a detriment Establishing a public profile Getting on the record Collaborative Science Demonstrating a skill set Measured using alternative metrics Contributing to the public peer review process

47 An Adventure into the World of Small but significant contribution..

48 ChemSpider SyntheticPages

49 Micropublishing with Peer Review (a chemical synthesis blog?)

50 Multi-Step Synthesis

51 Interactive Data

52 Thank you ORCID: Personal Blog: SLIDES: 52

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