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Yakima Sahaptin Phonology and Morphology

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1 Yakima Sahaptin Phonology and Morphology
Linguistics 200 Virginia Beavert Spring 2002

2 The Sahaptin language Proto-Sahaptian 2 Sahaptin Nez Perce

3 Plateau languages

4 Phonology Consonant phonemes labial alveolar palatal velar labio-velar
uvular labio-uvular glottal stops p p' t t' k k' kw kw' q q' qw qw' / affricates sibilant ts ts' c c' lateral t t' fricatives central s š x xw X Xw h nasals m n l glides w j

5 Phonology Vowel phonemes front central back high i i: u u: low a a:

6 Vowel contrasts i [pipš] pipsh 'bone'
u [puqpuq] pukpúk 'soft, fluffy' a [pap] pap 'daughter'  [pc'm] pch'm 'bobcat'

7 Long vs. short vowels [a] vs. [a:] [i] vs. [i:] [u] vs. [u:]
[sts'at] sts'at 'night' [sts'a:t] sts'aat 'dark' [i] vs. [i:] [pišiš] pishísh 'paternal aunt' [ci:š] chiish 'water' [u] vs. [u:] [pjuš] pyush 'snake' [pu:š] puush 'juniper'

8 Stress contrasts [jXa] yxa 'beaver' [wXa] wxá 'foot' [pamta]
‘toad’ [pamta] pámta ‘nephew!’ (woman's brother's child) [akak] ákak 'goose' [kak] kák 'your maternal uncle'

9 [] = voiceless lateral fricative [ajaj] áyay 'rash, pimples'
[p’u] p’u 'teardrop' [ap] ap 'leaf' cf. [l] [apl] ápl 'apple'

10 [k] vs. [k'] [kupi] kúpi 'coffee' [k'usi] k'úsi 'horse'
[kaas] kaas 'train' [k'ask'as] k'ásk'as 'small'

11 [k] vs. [q] [qajli] kaylí 'shoe' [kajX] kayx 'drinking glass'
[qaw] kaw 'separate' [kawX] kawx 'shiny'

12 [q] vs. [q'] [qajX] kayx 'light, bright' [q'ajik] k'ayík 'colt, calf'
[qa:šqa:š] kaashkáash 'roan' [q'a:X] k’aax 'torn'

13 [qw] vs. [qw'] [qw'ašqw'aš] kw'áshkw'ash 'crane'
[qwalqwal] kwálkwal 'turkey' [qwtqwt] kwtkwt 'thorny' [qw'šm] kw'shm 'mischievous'

14 Morphology singular dual plural
Affixation singular dual plural [p’u:s] [p’u:sin] [p’u:sma] 'cat' p'úus p'úusin p'úusma [spilja] [spiljajin] [spiljama] 'coyote' spílya spílyayin spílyama some morphological characteristics

15 Reduplicative compounding
singular plural [t'pi:p] [t'pi:p t'pi:p] 'wingdress' tl'piip tl'píip tl'piip [šp’aw] [šp’aw šp’aw] 'ball' shp'aw shp'áw shp'aw [tk’u] [tk’u tk’u] 'cattail' tk'u tk'ú tk'u

16 Consonant symbolism bigger smaller n l š s [timaš] tímash ‘book’
[timas] tímas ‘paper’  [mjanaš] myánash ‘child’ [mjalas] myálas ‘infant’

17 Affixation Verb structure:
pronominal prefix- root(s) - direction - tense - pronominal suffixes Some verb roots: [qqnajwi]- kknáywi- 'be busy' [q'inu]- k'ínu- 'see' [tiwi]- tíwi- 'fight'

18 A verb paradigm paradigm = set of related words
[anawi]- anáwi- 'be hungry' -[ša] sha imperfective (ongoing action)

19 A verb paradigm 1sg [anawiša:š] anáwishaash 'I'm hungry' 2sg
[anawiša:m] anáwishaam 'you're hungry' 3sg [i/anawiša] i'anáwisha 'he/she is hungry' 1du [anawišana] anáwishana 'we 2 are hungry' 1pl [anawišataš] anáwishatash 'we are hungry' 2pl [anawišapam] anáwishapam 'you (folks) are hungry' 3pl [pa/anawiša] pa'anáwisha 'they're hungry'

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