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Segregation / Discrimination / Expanding Education

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1 Segregation / Discrimination / Expanding Education
Goal 7 Part 2 Segregation / Discrimination / Expanding Education

2 Expanding Higher Education for African Americans
Booker T. Washington Believed “RACISM” would end as soon as African Americans acquired LABOR SKILLS and proved their “economic” value Founder and leader of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute now called Tuskegee University, in Alabama Called for “GRADUAL” end to racism *Famous Speech “Atlanta Compromise Speech” African American speaker in deep South??? Purpose: shows racial progression!

3 Expanding Higher Education for African Americans
W.E. B. Dubois Founded the “NIAGRA MOVEMENT”- which focused on “LIBERAL ARTS” education so the country can have “more African American leaders in the future” End of racism will be “IMMEDIATE” FORMED THE “NAACP” in 1909 Wrote SOULS OF BLACK FOLK **** TALENTED TENTH**** - educated A.A. (portion of society) that will achieve immediate inclusion into mainstream American society (Are you part of the talented tenth?? - motivation) *VERY IMPORTANT: The “most significant” difference between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois is: The amount of time it will take for RACISM to end!!!!!

4 Booker T. Washington Vs. W.E. B. Dubois (on education)
(1) Labor skills will end racism (2) Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (3) Gradual end to racism (4) Atlanta Compromise Speech W.E.B. Dubois (1) Liberal arts will end racism (2) Niagra Movement (3) Immediate end to racism (4) Talented Tenth

5 NAACP National Association of the Advancement of Colored People
- Founded in 1909 by W.E.B Dubois Held peaceful marches to protest “lynching” and racial violence Main Point: to advance the African American culture

6 Jim Crow Laws / Ida B. Wells
These laws made Reconstruction ( ) be seen as a “failure” Southern goal to “separate the races” and immobilize the African American culture Court case connection???? Ida B. Wells - African American woman who fought against “lynching” by writing, lecturing and organizing civil rights conventions during the Progressive Era.

7 THE GREAT MIGRATION 1000s of African Americans would physically move from the South to the North to do two things (1) Escape racial discrimination / Jim Crow South (2) Look for employment Problem: Job scarcity and the SAME racial discrimination is in the NORTH too


9 VOTING RESTRICTIONS 15th amendment: Male suffrage
(African Americans can vote) Problem: KKK violence What legislation did Congress pass to combat the problem of KKK violence?____________________ Southern measures to limit African Americans from “voting” POLL TAX LITERACY TEST GRANDFATHER CLAUSE

10 Voting Restrictions (1) Poll Tax – pay an annual tax to vote
Discrimination = Most African Americans were too poor to pay the tax / effects poor whites too Today: 24th Amendment (1964) – no more poll tax (2) Literacy Test – passed by Congress / *pass the test = vote Today: Voting Rights Act of 1964 – no more literacy test Discrimination = African Americans were asked harder questions / affects uneducated whites

11 Grandfather Clause (3) Grandfather Clause – if your father or grandfather could vote before Jan. 1, 1867, YOU can vote! (this is beneficial if you can’t pay the poll tax or pass the literacy test) Discrimination = Freed African Americans COULD NOT vote before Jan. 1, 1867 *note: 15th amend. Ratification = 1870 MAIN PURPOSE OF THE GRANDFATHER CLAUSE: To advance the WHITE culture *(those who couldn’t pay the poll tax or pass the literacy test)

12 De Facto vs. De Jure Segregation
De Facto (in fact) – segregation that exists through “custom” and “practice” / what YOU feel and believe in / anger toward African American advancement! *Much harder to fight than de jure segregation!! De Jure (in law) PLESSY V. FERGUSON, 1896 “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL” Jim Crow

13 De Jure Segregation (by law) Plessey V. Ferguson (1896)

14 Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL”
Separate facilities but equal service Supreme Court said this was legal and it did not violate the 14th (citizens get “EQUAL PROTECTION” under law) amendment Legalized segregation for 60 years Plessy V. Ferguson was overturned by *BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION (1954) (NO MORE SEPARATE FACILITIES / integration of schools) ***THURGOOD MARSHALL *** - First African American CHIEF justice – handed down the decision of Brown v Board Won 29 of 32 Civil Rights cases

15 Marcus Garvey “Back to Africa” Movement - Marcus Garvey:
Jamaican immigrant wanted African Americans to leave America and go “BACK TO AFRICA”, overthrow the white leaders and create a mighty nation - Movement died out in the 1920s LEGACY: African American PRIDE!!!!!

16 MARCUS GARVEY “Back to Africa Movement” Created the United Negro
Improvement Association (UNIA) – same goals as NAACP

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