Literary Terms and Rhetoric Devices

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Terms and Rhetoric Devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Terms and Rhetoric Devices
The Second Installment

2 REMEMBER We will be using these literary terms throughout the school year. There WILL be literary terms used on your Mid- Term and FINAL EXAMS!! You need to keep up with your notes. Don’t lose your terms! You might be able to use them – be RESPONSIBLE!!

3 REVIEW Character Antagonist Protagonist Diction Denotation Connotation
Imagery Mood Plot Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution Conflict Flashback Foreshadowing Suspense Point of View Setting Style Theme Tone Figures of Speech Metaphor Simile Oxymoron Personification Alliteration Ethos/Pathos/Logos

4 New Terms Allusion Satire Bildungsroman Foil Onomatopoeia Hyperbole
Allegory In Medias Res Catharsis Parallelism

5 New Terms Continued... Euphemism Realism Prose Assonance Consonance
Canon Begging the Question Anachronism Ambiguity Empathy

6 Allusion Work of art Literature Character Music Famous object Yes No

7 Satire

8 Bildungsroman

9 Foil

10 Onomotopoeia

11 Hyperbole

12 Allegory

13 In Medias Res Of course, the technique isn't limited to just books and movies. Many video games have made great use of in medias res, like Final Fantasy X. But to come full circle back to where we started, how about the PlayStation 2 game, God of War, an action-adventure game based on Greek mythology. Dubbed the "Greatest PlayStation Game of All Time" (or something similar) by many (including IGN), God of War pits Kratos, a former captain in the Spartan army, against Ares, the god of war. The story begins at the very end, and then moves chronologically through flashbacks. But it's the bloody battle at the beginning that really sets the pace for the rest of the game and immediately hooks the player in. Read the full text here:  --brought to you by mental_floss! 

14 Catharsis

15 Parallelism

16 Euphemism

17 Realism

18 Prose Just about everything but poetry and lyrics.

19 Assonance

20 Consonance

21 Canon

22 Begging the Question

23 Anachronism

24 Ambiguity

25 Empathy

26 Questions?

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