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The grand exchange/industrial revolution

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1 The grand exchange/industrial revolution

2 What are these two terms? What do they mean/represent?
Industrial revolution-Is a period between woodwork became mechanized and occurred in factories. Which brought social, economical and cultural change. Grand Exchange-A trading process that began when Christopher Columbus brought seeds, fruit trees and livestock to the Americas, where they where cultivated and became staples. In return, native north American species where exported to Europe. This exchange expanded to include different countries and products around the world.

3 Why were these two events so important in human history?
Industrial revolution-Allowed for mass production, developed machines that could produce good more quickly, more efficiently and more cheaply. This new way of working in factories sparked dramatic economical, social and cultural changes. Britain had a head start on he world. By the 1830s it had become the leading industrial power, producing two-thirds of the worlds coal, half its iron and half its cotton cloth. Grand Exchange-Allowed for the exchange of goods around the world. People who lived in places where sunflowers couldn’t get sunflower seeds, But when the grand exchange came it allowed transport of produce that is not available in that particular area.

4 Why is it included in our studies on globalization?
It allowed trade with better and more products and info The industrial revolution also introduced different types of technology Steam engine Ships New tools Factories made it easier to mass produce and sell their goods quicker They sold their goods in other countries

5 Bibliography
Social textbook

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