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Benchmark Study Packet

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1 Benchmark Study Packet
Draw a line from each fundamental political foundational principle to its meaning. (page 1) Benchmark Study Packet Benchmark Test is this Wednesday!!!! STUDY!! People rule! We are all bound by the law! We elect office holders to write laws and run government for us! Government is not all-powerful! People are source of all governmental power! Representative government Rule of law Consent of the governed Democracy Limited government

2 Illustrate one of the bullet points about the Articles of Confederation. (page 5)
Fill in the blanks with the correct terms from page 3. The Declaration of Independence stated __________________ against the King of Great Britain. It declared the colonies’ ____________________ from Great Britain. It affirmed unalienable rights like _________, ________________, and the _____________ of _______________. It also established the idea that all people are ____________ under the _______. Which document establishes the current structure of the U.S., guarantees majority rule and minority rights, and affirms the individual worth and dignity of all people? (page 5) ______________________________________________

3 Pick any three purposes of government according to the Preamble and illustrate them. (page7)
Write out the Preamble to the Constitution on this page – word for word. (Page 7)

4 Who is our national (federal) legislative branch?
What two groups make up this legislature? List six things this branch of government does. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Who proposes amendments to the U.S. Constitution? Who ratifies amendments to the U.S. Constitution? Who proposes amendments to the Virginia Constitution? Who ratifies amendments to the Virginia Constitution? (page 8 and 9) Page 11

5 Who is our state legislative branch?
What two groups make up this legislature? Who heads Virginia’s executive branch? What other two officers are in our state executive branch? Pick two Presidential hats. List them and illustrate each. (page 20 and 21) (Pages 22 and 23)

6 Illustrate the definition of lobbying. (Page 49)
Illustrate the five steps of a bill becoming a law. (page 19) Illustrate the definition of federalism. (Page 25) Illustrate the definition of lobbying. (Page 49)

7 Who writes ordinances for Wythe County?
List the four functions of political parties. (page 35) 1) 2) 3) 4) List the four jobs of the media in politics. (page 39) What is an ordinance? Who writes ordinances for Wythe County? Who writes ordinances for Wytheville? If you could write an ordinance, what would it be? (page 32 and 33)

8 List the three qualifications for registering to vote in Virginia.
1) 2) 3) List three places or ways you can register to vote in Virginia. How many days before the general election is voter registration in Virginia closed? (page 43) Illustrate a person who is likely to vote. Illustrate a person who is unlikely to vote. (page 42 and 43)

9 List and illustrate any 4 vocabulary words that we have learned.
List and illustrate two times that a local government might have to deal with foreign affairs. (page 50 and 51)

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