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200 400 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 Constitutional Amendments Government & Democracy The Three Branches Colonial History, Etc. Guiding Principles.

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2 200 400 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 Constitutional Amendments Government & Democracy The Three Branches Colonial History, Etc. Guiding Principles

3 According to the 22nd Amendment, the President may serve how many Terms?

4 Two terms (eight years)

5 According to the 26th Amendment, the legal voting age in the U.S. is?

6 18

7 The 4th Amendment protects people from what without good reason or a warrant?

8 Searches

9 What four things does the 1st Amendment protect?

10 Speech, religion, press and assembly

11 What Amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment?

12 The Eighth Amendment

13 The division of power between national and local governments

14 What is federalism?

15 Leaders who are accepted as authorities

16 What are legitimate Leaders?

17 The founding principle means that power comes from the people

18 What is popular sovereignty?

19 The kind of democracy where we elect our leaders

20 What is republican democracy?

21 Rights guaranteed to citizens

22 Civil liberties

23 What branch of government makes the laws?

24 Legislative

25 What branch of government carries out laws?

26 Executive

27 What branch of government reviews the laws?

28 Judicial

29 What branch of government is the the Congress associated with?

30 Legislative

31 What is the term for the way government branches limit one another?

32 Checks and balances

33 Who was the colonial ruler of the United States?

34 Great Britain

35 What document outlines the rights of American citizens?

36 The Bill of Rights

37 What document formed the government of the United States?

38 The Constitution

39 What is the first part of the Constitution that sets goals for our government?

40 The Preamble

41 What was the document that formed the first government of the United States?

42 The Articles of Confederation

43 Power resides with the people

44 Popular Sovereignty

45 The division of power between central and local governments

46 Federalism

47 The ability of branches to limit the powers of each other

48 Checks & Balances

49 The judicial branch is independent from the rest of the government

50 Independent Judiciary

51 The people and the government must follow a set of laws

52 Rule of Law

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