Why we need more people in Horticulture training

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Presentation on theme: "Why we need more people in Horticulture training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why we need more people in Horticulture training
Linda Sissons Chief Executive

2 Vision and purpose Vision Driving growth for the New Zealand economy through people Purpose Growing great people for our primary industries

3 The wider vision By 2025 Government wants to double primary industry exports This will only be possible with 50,000 more skilled people

4 Horticulture is booming
Skilled labour is crucial to making the most of the boom times It’s vital that employees are upskilled and gain formal qualifications The RSE scheme is critical to help us reach industry productivity and profitability goals

5 Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme
An indispensable model critical to helping us reach Government’s ambitious 2025 export targets A win/win co-operation between New Zealand and the Pacific Seasonal labour schemes also have a key role to play in employing and upskilling New Zealanders

6 Seasonal Labour

7 Building the Kiwi Workforce
Mobility is a problem -for the whole primary industries trainee catchment Primary ITO is building a strong pathway of qualifications for the Horticulture industry We are working with schools, ITPs and Universities to ensure a coherent training and education pathway 79% of RSE employers say they have grown their Kiwi workforce. Training win:win is possible. Example of Federated Farmers 3-tier plan to grow the Dairy workforce


9 Schools and pre-work market
Active programmes Trade Academy 520 positions 35 schools 50 Individual Gateway packages Active engagement with over 90 schools Transition programmes 3+2 SWITCh 1+4 Gateway Targets year 12 and 13 students into workplace Manages the pipeline interviews and selects candidates Integration with the field Help to find employers Take over from schools team to support Trainee in workplace under training agreement

10 Value-add ASL: Primary ITO’s international arm
Working in Lao, Myanmar, Chile, Colombia, Vietnam, and the Pacific Pacific Trade Agreement (April 2017) with 7 of RSE nations represented among the 12 signatory countries Benefits of consistent training and qualifications, in home country and NZ ITOs can set standards, assess, and award qualifications delivered on job; only a small rules amendment needed to do the same in overseas countries.

11 For more information visit www.primaryito.ac.nz
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