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Write the date and C/L then a title ROMEO AND JULIET RE-CAP QUIZ

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Presentation on theme: "Write the date and C/L then a title ROMEO AND JULIET RE-CAP QUIZ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write the date and C/L then a title ROMEO AND JULIET RE-CAP QUIZ
Monday 30th October 2017 Write the date and C/L then a title ROMEO AND JULIET RE-CAP QUIZ

2 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
1.) What is Romeo’s punishment for killing Tybalt? He is banished to Mantua

3 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
2.) How does the Nurse confuse Juliet after the big battle scene in Act 3 Sc1? She makes Juliet think that Romeo is dead but she means Tybalt.

4 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
3.) Why is Benvolio’s character important? What is Shakespeare possibly using him for? He is important because he is a peacemaker. He is possibly used to challenge the stereotype that men in the Elizabethan times had to be aggressive to be masculine.

5 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
4.) What does the Friar mean when he says “these violent delights have violent ends”? He is warning Romeo that their love is so passionate that it will only lead to death. Shakespeare uses a lot of foreshadowing in this wedding scene.

6 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
5.) Why does Lord Capulet lose his temper with Tybalt at the ball? He loses his temper because Tybalt demands that Romeo should be killed for entering the party but Lord Capulet doesn’t want to draw attention to it as Romeo is well respected in Verona.

7 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
6.) Mercutio acts like a “lad” in Act 1 Scene 4 on the streets of Verona. Can you think of examples of his “laddish” behaviour? Act 1 Scene 4 = Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio together and Romeo acts COMPLETELY differently to Act 1 Scene 3 Mercutio tells the Nurse to “hide her face” with her fan because she’s ugly. He also calls her a prostitute He calls her a “ship” or fat. He makes reference to his male parts when she asks the time.

8 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
7.) Why won’t Lord Capulet let Paris marry his daughter yet? He says she isn’t yet a girl in the world and she needs to have two more summers to grow up first.

9 8.) Who says this and what technique is it called when you say someone IS something else?
Mercutio says it and it is a metaphor

10 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
9.) Can you name all of these quotations used when Romeo is at Juliet’s balcony? Two of the f_________ stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her _______. Juliet is the ____. O speak again bright _____.

11 R+j quiz to refresh our memories!
10.) These are all examples of what type of language common in sonnets at the time? Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes. Juliet is the sun. O speak again bright angel.

12 Act 3 Scene 4: Lord Capulet Analysis
C/L Monday 30th October 2017 Act 3 Scene 4: Lord Capulet Analysis Key Words Today unstable haphazard (means chaotic or random) rushed control

13 What happened in the last scene?
Romeo was really dramatic about being banished to Mantua. The Friar tells Romeo to go to Juliet so they can have sex. Can anyone remember why he encouraged this? We compared Romeo’s immature reaction to Juliet’s more considerate one because she soon stopped crying when she realised that Romeo HAD to kill Tybalt.

14 Time is so important! We meet the lovesick Romeo on a Sunday morning, pining over Rosaline. By that evening he has fallen for Juliet at the Capulets’ feast, they are married on Monday afternoon (which is fast even by Vegas standards) and both lovers are dead by dawn on Thursday morning.

15 The focus of today’s lesson is how Lord Capulet is losing control and is a bit unstable.

16 So he changed his mind over night!
Why? Well, on Sunday afternoon he said to Paris he had to wait 2 years to marry Juliet. On Monday evening he says let’s do it on Thursday!

17 Task 1: Find 2 key quotations from act 1 scene 2 when paris asks to woo juliet
Find 1 key quotation from today’s act 3 scene 4 to show he is out of control

18 How does Shakespeare present Lord Capulet’s character in this extract?
Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender Of my child’s love. I think she will be ruled In all respects by me. Nay, more, I doubt it not- Wife, go you to her ere you go to bed. Acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love, And bid her, mark you me, on Wednesday next- But soft! What day is this? PARIS Monday, my lord. Monday! Ha, ha. Well, Wednesday is too soon. O’ Thursday let it be. – O’ Thursday, tell her, She shall be married to this noble earl.- Will yoi be ready? Do you like this haste? We’ll keep no great ado, a friend or two Annotate this extract picking out key impressions that you get of Lord Capulet from this scene. What to look out for? His imperative/commanding tone Punctuation he uses How he is in control of his wife Why he is desperate for it to be done quickly. How he seems a bit out of control

19 How does Shakespeare present Lord Capulet’s character in this extract?
Write an essay all about this extract. I want you to use as many quotations from this extract and I want everyone to write 2 pages today! No one will be passing their English GCSE if they carry on spending 20 minutes to write one paragraph! CAPULET Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender Of my child’s love. I think she will be ruled In all respects by me. Nay, more, I doubt it not- Wife, go you to her ere you go to bed. Acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love, And bid her, mark you me, on Wednesday next- But soft! What day is this? PARIS Monday, my lord. Monday! Ha, ha. Well, Wednesday is too soon. O’ Thursday let it be. – O’ Thursday, tell her, She shall be married to this noble earl.- Will you be ready? Do you like this haste? We’ll keep no great ado, a friend or two

20 How does Shakespeare present Lord Capulet’s character in this extract?
Lord Capulet is trying to be controlling because it says “wife go you to her”. This demand shows that… Lord Capulet appears to be attempting to keep control and power within his family because despite seeming quite chaotic and sudden he still able to make demands like when he says “wife go” to his daughter Juliet. This demand shows that…

21 How does Shakespeare present Lord Capulet’s character in this extract?
contradictory How to start if stuck? Well, start with how he is chaotic, then do a quotation on how he is demanding then any other? Lord Capulet appears to be very chaotic in this scene because….. Remember zoom in on key words/phrases/punctuation. Make LONG detailed comments. Don’t just plonk on context about Elizabethan men, add it in when needed about how the stereotype was to be masculine and in control. Please try to bring in your quotation in a mature way out of control desperate unstable

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