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What Makes A Good Story? The Parts of a Story.

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes A Good Story? The Parts of a Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes A Good Story? The Parts of a Story

2 Write down these questions:
What makes a good story? How do characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution? How do readers distinguish between internal and external conflict? What impact does dialogue and dialect have on characters, internal and external conflict, plot, and theme?

3 Setting Setting is the time and place of the action. The time can be the past, present, or the future. It can also be a season or time of day. The place can be a room, a country, or any place you imagine. Often, the setting affects the story’s problem and how it is affected.

4 Characters Characters are people, animals, or creatures take who part in the stories action. The most important characters are the main characters. Less important ones are minor characters. Characters qualities, such as courage, affect story’s events and conflict.

5 Conflict A conflict is a problem or struggle that a character faces in a story. The struggle can be between characters or between a character and the setting or a force of nature, such as a storm. A conflict can also be within a character, as he struggles with difficult problems.

6 Types of Conflict Man Vs. Man The conflict between two characters is generally considered a conflict between one man and another man. This is the most common and most obvious literary conflict.

 Man Vs. Himself Internal conflict is another common conflict in literature. This is often portrayed by a character fighting against his own conscience or moral beliefs.

Man Vs. Nature This conflict is portrayed when man fights against the forces of nature. This can be represented in several ways, possibly as man fighting against a whale, as in "Moby Dick," or man fighting against disease.

7 Types of Conflict Cont. Man Vs. Society The conflict of man versus society is often represented by a person who is an outcast or by a character who tries to break the normal rules society has established. Man Vs. Society The conflict of man versus society is often represented by a person who is an outcast or by a character who tries to break the normal rules society has established.

8 Elements of a Story Rap

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