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The Middle Colonies.

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1 The Middle Colonies

2 DO NOW: Based on what you know about the climate in New Jersey, how do you think it may have been easier to live in the Middle Colonies, compared to the New England colonies?


4 New Amsterdam becomes New York
The Dutch settled in New Amsterdam in 1624, which was part of their larger colony of New Netherlands New Amsterdam became a thriving trade port. The Dutch allowed many diverse people into their settlement. Nobody seemed to care what religion others were. In 1664, the English and the Dutch were at the peak of their rivalry for trade. The English surrounded New Amsterdam with warships, and the Dutch surrendered New Amsterdam without firing a shot. New Netherland became New York, named after the Duke of York.

5 Life in the Middle Colonies
Diversity The Middle Colonies had a much greater mix of people than the New England and Southern colonies. “I dined at a tavern with a very mixed company of different and religions. There were Scots, English, Dutch, Germans, and Irish. There were Roman Catholics, Church [of England] men, Presbyterians, Quakers,… Moravians,… and one Jew.” -Doctor Hamilton on his visit to Philadelphia from Maryland- 1744

6 Religion Religious diversity and Toleration began with the Dutch in New Netherlands. NY, NJ, PA, and DE all practiced religious freedom. Back in England, William Penn became a Quaker, despite the fact that Quakers were persecuted for their beliefs in both England and New England. Quakers believed that all people should be treated equally. William Penn started a colony called Pennsylvania, meaning “Penn’s woods.” Protestants, Catholics and Jews went to PA to avoid persecution. Penn believed that Native Americans should be treated equally, and because of this, Native Americans had a very positive relationship with the colonists of Pennsylvania.

7 Religion Penn promoted his colony all over Europe, and as a result, PA became very diverse. A capital city was built called Philadelphia, Greek for “brotherly love.”

8 Government The Duke of York felt that New York was too large to govern
Land that would become NJ was first given to proprietors, Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret who were free to divide the land and rent to others. New Jersey became a royal colony in 1702, under the rule of the English crown. Each of the Middle Colonies had assembles which voted on local matters.

9 Land/Climate Economy Produced surpluses of wheat, barley and rye and were sold as “cash crops.” Middle Colonies referred to as the “Breadbasket Colonies” Raised herds of pigs and cattle, producing beef, pork and butter. Manufacturing and crafts Hardware, locks, watches, guns, glass, paper, etc. Iron ore used for nails, tools, and parts for guns. More favorable conditions and longer growing season compared to the New England colonies. Hudson and Delaware river valleys were rich and fertile. Hot summers and cold winters

10 In closing… To what extent did the Middle Colonies practice democratic, American ideals? What about the colonies were Democratic? Undemocratic?

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