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AIM: How were the 4 Middle Colonies established?.

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1 AIM: How were the 4 Middle Colonies established?

2 1. New York

3 It all began with Henry Hudson’s Voyages It all began with Henry Hudson’s Voyages

4 New Netherlands New Netherlands – 1623-1624) § Established by Dutch West India Company for quick-profit fur trade. § [New Amsterdam]- port city

5 New Amsterdam, 1660 § patroonships – huge estates granted to people who would settle 50 families on them § diverse population - many different languages.

6 Then the English Came …

7 New Netherlands Becomes a British Royal Colony Charles II granted New Netherland ’ s land to his brother, the Duke of York 1664  English soldiers arrived.  Dutch had little ammunition and poor defenses.  Governor Peter Stuyvesant forced to surrender without firing a shot since colonists disliked him …. Renamed “ New York ”  England gained a great harbor  England now controlled the Atlantic coast!

8 2. Pennsylvania

9 Who were the Quakers Called Quakers because they “ quaked ” during intense religious practices. They refused to pay taxes to support the Church of England.  Believed all were children of God  refused to treat the upper classes with more respect  Keep hats on.  Addressed them as commoners  ” thees ” / “ thous. ”  Wouldn ’ t take oaths.  Pacifists- hated war

10 Aristocratic Englishman. 1681 he received a grant from king to establish a colony. § Named Pennsylvania [ “ Penn ’ s Woodland ” ]. § Called the “ holy experiment ” William Penn

11 Royal Land Grant to Penn

12 Penn ’ s Treaty with the Native Americans

13 Penn & Native Americans Bought [didn ’ t simply take] land from Indians. Quakers went among the Indians unarmed. BUT …….. non-Quaker Europeans flooded PA § Treated native peoples poorly.

14 Government of Pennsylvania Representative assembly- elected by landowners. No tax-supported church. Freedom of worship - to all. Death penalty only for treason & murder.  Compared to 200 capital crimes in England!

15 Pennsylvanian Society Attracted many different people § Religious misfits from other colonies. § Many different ethnic groups. religious toleration No slavery!! A society that gave its citizens economic opportunity, civil liberty, & religious freedom!!

16 German Speaking Protestants- the Amish

17 Urban Population Growth 1650 - 1775

18 Duke of York’s Original Charter

19 3. New Jersey

20 New Jersey — PA ’ s Neighbor 1664 Lord Berkeley & Sir George Carteret the area from the Duke of York. Called a proprietary colony Fertile farmland 1702- became a royal colony

21 4. Delaware

22 Delaware — PA ’ s Neighbor Was originally part of Pennsylvania People did not want to travel to Philadelphia to their assembly Formed their own colony- 1704

23 – Trade- (tools and weapons) – Farming- (cash crops) Wheat, barley, rye – Known as the breadbasket colonies – Large farms


25 Life in the Backcountry: –Along the Appalachian Mts. –Lived with natives & learned from them –Rough Lifestyle- thick forests –Outdoorsmen

26 Many Ethnic Groups= diversity

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