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Chapter 14-The End of the Middle Ages

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1 Chapter 14-The End of the Middle Ages
Ch. 14/1: Church Reform and the Crusades Identify the causes and effects of the Crusades Terms: Crusade, Urban II, Romanesque, Gothic, Reconquista, Inquisition, Ferdinand & Isabella, Richard the Lion-Hearted, Saladin, Third Crusade Ch. 14/2: Trades, Towns and Financial Revolution Identify the agricultural advancements that led to the development of towns Identify political philosophies of Thomas Aquinas Terms: Three-field system, guild, Thomas Aquinas, scholastics, trade fairs Ch. 14/3 England and France Develop Identify the political and legal ideas contained in the Magna Carta Terms: Parliament, Estates General, Magna Carta, King John, common law, Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror Ch. 14/4: Century of Turmoil Explain how the Black Death, Great Schism and the Hundred Years War contributed to the end of medieval Europe Terms: Pandemic, Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc, Bubonic Plague, English Longbowmen, Great Schism You will be assigned a topic from Chapter 14 Read over your notes from that section and create a Prezi that answer the objective Use in your Prezi the terms listed Each Prezi must have a minimum of 5 pictures and 1 video that helps explain your section. The Prezi’s will be presented in class

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