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Starter: Which stage on the demographic transition model?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Which stage on the demographic transition model?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Which stage on the demographic transition model?
1.High birth rate, declining death, rising population. 2.Low birth rate, low death rate, high steady population 3.Slowly declining birth rate, declining death rate, growing population 4.High birth rate, high death rate, low steady population 5.Low death rate, lower birth rate, declining population Stage 2 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 5

2 What is an ageing population?

3 Learning Objectives All of you will be able to describe what is meant by an ageing popualtion. Most of you will be able to explain why the UK has an aging population and explain the benefits & costs of this. Some of you will be able to Examine how the government manages population structures to seek equlibrium.

4 What is an ageing population?
Note a definition into their books

5 Why is an ageing population a problem?
Your Task: Using your choropleth map, you need to describe the distribution of an ageing population. 1.Where are the highest/lowest etc, anomalies? 2.What are the disadvantages of using a choropleth map? 3.What issue is there with this key? 4.Why do you think there are such high concentrations along the south coast of England? 5.Use an atlas to label some counties/towns within the areas of highest distribution. Extension:How might high concentrations of elderly people create challenges for local authorities?

6 Your Task... ANSWERS Cause Impacts Response Large numbers of people born after the 2nd World War & through into the 1960s (‘baby boomers’) are now moving into old age. Healthcare costs are very high and will increase as the elder lt require support services and expensive treatments. The government issued pensioner bonds in 2015 to encourage older people to save money for the future. Improved healthcare and new treatments, especially for diseases, such as cancer and heart conditions, prolong life. Shortage of places in care homes, many of which are expensive. Pensioners receive support in the form of care, reduced transport costs and heating allowances (winter fuel payments); this is expensive for the government & may be withdrawn from wealthy pensioners in the future. Reductions in smoking, which caused huge early death toll in the past Many older people are looked after by their middle-ages children, often affecting their lives and their ability to remain in full-time employment. Retirement age, which used to be 65, is being phased out to encourage people to continue working. Greater awareness of the benefits of of a good diet. Older people are valued employees as they have high standards and are reliable. State pension age is gradually being increased to 67. People living more active lives and benefiting from regular exercise. Older people act as volunteers in hospital, advice centres, food banks etc. The government could encourage people to take out private health insurance to cut NHS costs. Many old people are reasonably well off financially so can afford a good standard of life. Many older people are keen to travel and to join clubs, societies, sports centres, etc; this helps to boost the economy and provide jobs. Pro-natalist policies to encourage an increase in birth rate to balance the population structure; this could include cheaper child care, improved maternity & paternity leave & higher child benefit payments Using a key, can you classify your table of statements into: Cause Impacts (effects, consequences) Responses Don’t release the answer table until students have completed the task.

7 Plenary: Why do ageing populations bring benefits?
Why do ageing populations cause problems for the country?

8 Homework:Named example of ethnicity diversity in the UK
You need to investigate the population structure and ethnic diversity of Boston in Lincolnshire, UK. How has this changed since 2001? Answer all activities on the front & back of the HW sheet.

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