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Woodwind instruments include

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1 Woodwind instruments include
Woodwinds All woodwinds used to be made out of wood, but today, many of them are made out of brass like the saxophone. Sound is made by blowing through the instrument, either across a sound hole (like on the flute),vibrating a reed (clarinets and saxophones), or blowing between two reeds (oboes, bagpipes). Woodwind instruments include Flute Clarinet Oboe Piccolo Saxophone Bassoon

2 On your own: Research another woodwind instrument in this family. It cannot be listed on the previous slide.

3 Brass instruments include
Brass instruments used to all be made out of brass, but today many are also made out of wood, shell and other materials. Sound is made on brass instruments by “buzzing” air through the mouthpiece of the instrument. Unlike woodwinds, brass players don’t blow into their instruments, but instead make a puckered shape with their mouth. Brass instruments include Trombone French Horn Trumpet Tuba

4 On your own: Research another brass instrument in this family. It cannot be listed on the previous slide.

5 Percussion instruments include
Percussion instruments are any instruments that you would strike. Sound is produced in a few different ways. Drums are struck and the sound vibrates inside the drum. Other instruments like xylophones or bells have certain pitches that they play when struck. Percussion instruments include Tambourine Drum Set Handbells Xylophone

6 On your own: Research another percussion instrument in this family. It cannot be listed on the previous slide.

7 Pianos & Keyboards Keyboards
Keyboards are so versatile that they are hard to classify into just one family. They have strings inside which could put them as part of the string family, but they also have hammers that strike the strings which could make them a percussion instrument as well. On pianos, the sound is produced by a hammer hitting a string inside the piano. Electric keyboards can produce any sound that is programmed into it. Keyboards

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