Conflict with Native Americans

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1 Conflict with Native Americans

2 Conflict with Native Americans
1) Exploration and settlement led to the conquest of Native American lands and contagious European diseases killed 90% of all Native Americans

3 Conflict with Native Americans
2) The English and the Spanish fought the most with Native Americans because they immigrated in large numbers into Native American lands

4 Conflict with Native Americans
EX - A) The English = The American colonies B) The Spanish = The Caribbean, Central America, & South America

5 Trade with Native Americans
1) French exploration of Canada and the Mississippi river region did not lead to large scale immigration or settlement 2) The French established trading posts and mostly cooperated and traded with Native Americans

6 THE FIRST 13 COLONIES 1) The first 13 colonies can be divided into three main categories

7 A) The New England Colonies

8 B) The Middle Colonies

9 THE SOUTHERN COLONIES 1) Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

10 C) The Southern Colonies

1) New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island

12 Economic Characteristics
1) The New England colonies developed an economy based on ship-building, fishing, lumbering, small scale farming, and eventually, industrial manufacturing (factories)

13 Economic Characteristics
2) The New England colonies prospered which reflected the Puritans’ strong cultural and religious beliefs in the values of hard work and thrift

14 Social Characteristics
1) New England’s colonial society and government was based on religious standing (the religious leaders were also the political leaders)

15 Social Characteristics
2) The Puritans grew increasingly intolerant of dissenters who challenged their belief in the connection between religion and government

16 Social Characteristics
3) The colony of Rhode Island was founded by dissenters running away from persecution by Puritans in Massachusetts

17 B) The Middle Colonies 1) New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware

18 Economic Characteristics
1) The Middle colonies developed economies based on ship building, small-scale farming, and trading

19 Economic Characteristics
2) Cities in this region such as New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore began to grow as seaports and commercial centers

20 Social Characteristics
The Middle Colonies were diverse because they were home to many different religions EX - Quakers in Pennsylvania EX - Catholics in Maryland

21 Social Characteristics
2) These colonies were chiefly settled by English, Dutch, and German speaking immigrants seeking religious freedom and economic opportunity 3) In the Middle Colonies there was a strong belief in religious freedom and religious tolerance

22 Social Characteristics
4) The Middle colonies had a more flexible society and they began to develop a middle class of skilled artisans, entrepreneurs (business owners), and small farmers

23 THE SOUTHERN COLONIES 1) Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

24 Economic Characteristics
1) Virginia and the other Southern colonies developed economies in the Eastern coastal lowlands based on large plantations

25 Economic Characteristics
2) These plantations typically grew cash crops such as tobacco, indigo, and rice for export to Britain

26 Economic Characteristics
3) Further inland, however, in the mountains and valleys of the Appalachian mountain foothills (Shenandoah Valley) the economy was based on small scale subsistence farming and hunting and trading

27 Economic Characteristics
4) A strong belief in private ownership of property and free enterprise characterized colonial life

28 Social Characteristics
Virginia and Southern colonies had a social structure and government based on family status and the ownership of land Headright system—50 acres of land in VA for every person brought to VA.

29 Social Characteristics
= 2) Large landowners in the Eastern lowlands dominated colonial government and society and they maintained an allegiance to the Church of England

30 Social Characteristics
3) Virginia and the Southern colonies had the closest social ties to England

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