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New Linkedin Company Pages & Your Business… PRESENTED BY YVETTE ADAMS @creativecollect @yradams



4 The ‘pool room’

5 Want the slides and some LinkedIn resources
Want the slides and some LinkedIn resources? Give me our card and I’ll send them to you.

6 So What Is Linkedin?? yradams

7 Profiles - the easiest resume you’ll ever make
@ yradams

8 Some Linkedin Basics Personal PROFILE For you, the individual to make ‘Connections’ Business PAGES For your business/organisation. GROUPS Can open, closed or secret, for you to group with other Profiles/ individuals EVENTS Celebration, event, launch, etc Can be set up from Profile PROFILE - Personal Membership - ‘FRIEND’ requests - Maximum 5000 Friends - Can only have 1 PROFILE - Against Facebook terms to use for Business Business or ‘Fan’ PAGE - You become the ADMIN of Pages you Create - Can create Unlimite - Unlimited ‘LIKES’ - Customisable Applications & graphics - Search Engine benefits GROUPS – Closer community feel – specific niche Members - Direct Message 5000 Members EVENTS – To promote individual events or services – produce launch etc Can be set up from Profile or Pages

9 Changes


11 Endorsements

12 Notifications

13 Old company pages on Linkedin

14 Ne company pages on Linkedin
646x220 pixels

15 LinkedIn Company Pages are free to set up & let businesses interact with site users and offer them a variety of information about their products, job openings & business opportunities.

16 Data still there but format is changing
Overview Page Data still there but format is changing

17 Products & Services Follower Insights

18 Other cool stuff you can do on Linkedin…
Identify and connect with your target market by searching by title i.e. Marketing Managers, location i.e. Canberra, industry , size of company – fast! Post an update not only on your personal profile and company page but across multiple groups with your target market Segment your Linkedin contacts and send out targetted communications quickly and easily based on location, industry etc. Request testimonials – Linkedin is the best place for them ever Headhunt your next staff member AND MORE!!!


20 Brisbane – Full day Linkedin Training
Want To Learn More? March 26 Brisbane – Full day Linkedin Training Book online at

21 Stay in touch! 07 5451 1315
@ zdeluca


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