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Presentation on theme: "CLASS 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS 28

2 Film on Psychopathology
Host: Phil Zimbardo Overview of major disorders Genetic, environmental factors

3 Discussion points Neurosis vs. psychosis
The Big Three mental illnesses (anxiety disorders, affective disorders, schizophrenia) Genetics of schizophrenia (including twin discordance)

4 Recall 5 axes of DSM I: Clinical disorders II: Personality disorders
III: Medical conditions IV: Environmental conditions V: Global functioning Major mental illnesses are all on Axis I

5 I. CLINICAL DISORDERS 1. Affective/Mood disorders 2. Anxiety disorders
depression manic-depression (bipolar) 2. Anxiety disorders generalized anxiety panic-agoraphobia Phobia 3. Schizophrenia thought disturbance

6 TWO MORE 4. Somatoform disorders 5. Dissociative disorders
Physical manifestation of mental illness 5. Dissociative disorders Disrupted awareness Includes multiple personalities Note Freud’s legacy in the latter two

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