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The Spanish-American War

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1 The Spanish-American War

2 U.S. Interests in Cuba American sugar cane Plantations
Businessmen saw Cuba as a new market for American Products Cubans wanted their freedom from SPAIN

3 Jose Marti “Cuba Libre”
Poet, journalist, political activist, & teacher Waged Cuban war for independence in 1895 Used hit-and-run raids against the Spanish “Cuba Libre”

4 General Valeriano Weyler
Sent to end Cuban revolt Placed people in reconcentration camps Did not intend to kill civilians Individuals outside the camps were revolutionaries

5 “Butcher” Weyler 500,000 Cuban people in camps Tens of thousands died
from disease and starvation Spanish brutality aroused American sympathy for the Cuban people

6 REACTION!!! President McKinley warned that the U.S. would intervene if the Spanish did not establish peace General Weyler recalled & reconcentration camps abolished Spain created a CUBAN colony Rebels insisted on independence—Spain refused

7 Yellow Journalism & the War
Joseph Pulitzer New York World William Randolph Hearst New York Journal “You furnish the pictures & I’ll furnish the war” Intensified American public’s hostility towards Spain Exaggerated Spanish brutality

8 The U.S.S Maine Battleship Maine was stationed at the Havana harbor to protect American citizens in Cuba Sailors were told to stay out of Cuban harbor clubs Sending the NAVY becomes an American practice!!!

9 The de Lome Letter 1898- The Journal published the letter of de Lome- Spain’s ambassador to Washington, D. C. Stolen by Cuban rebels Called McKinley weak and stupid “Worst Insult to the United States in Its History” Fueled Jingoism—aggressive nationalism

10 U.S.S Maine EXPLOSION The ship exploded in Havana the harbor
266 American died Spain immediately accused Naval board of inquiry concluded that a mine caused the explosion At the time, most blamed Spain UNCLEAR EVEN TODAY




14 “Remember the Maine!” April 11, 1898—McKinley asked Congress to declare war McKinley offered 4 reasons for the US to intervene “put an end to the horrible miseries in Cuba” Protect the lives and property of US citizens living in Cuba End injury to American trade.” End the “constant menace to American peace” arising from disorders in Cuba.

15 TELLER AMENDMENT Congress will only help Cuba get her independence
We have no other interest Our presence will end with the conflict!!!

16 America Goes to War U.S. Navy blockaded Cuban ports
McKinley called for more than 100,000 volunteers 200,000 men enlisted Spain declared war on the United States

17 Battle in Manila Bay First battle of the war
Spain’s main base was in the Philippines Filipinos were also trying to gain their independence May 1, 1898—commodore George Dewey entered Manila Bay quickly destroyed Spanish fleet


19 Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of the Filipino Revolution 2. Helped Dewey and
American forces on line 3. Dewey’s men were sailors not invaders 4. Important in fighting Spain

20 The War in Cuba June 1898—arrival of American troops
U.S. Marines captured Guantanamo Bay and marched ashore Troops were poorly trained & supplied Heavy wool uniforms Out of date weapons Rotting/contaminated food

21 Army Units!! Several State National Guard units Regular army units
African American Ninth & Tenth Cavalry regiments nicknamed “Buffalo Soldiers” Theodore Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” 10th Cavalry Regimental Coat Of Arms

22 ROUGH RIDERS Commanded by Theodore Roosevelt
Made up of Cowboys, Civil War Veterans and Buffalo soldiers Asked to defend the Hills around Santiago, Cuba Become famous for the charges at San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill

23 Rough riders


25 PUERTO RICO INVASION! 1. U.S. used the War to KICK the SPANISH out of Puerto Rico. 2. We were seen as heroes 3. Once present we never left 4. Puerto Ricans called us – YANKEE PERIL

26 The End of the War July 3, 1898—Spanish navy tried to escape from the harbor at Santiago U.S. forces destroyed the Spanish fleet Spain surrendered in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines Spain lost between 55,000 – 60,000 men U.S lost 3,000 – only 380 in battle MOST DIED OF DISEASES

27 The Treaty of Paris “splendid little war” Secretary of State John Hay
War officially ended & Treaty signed Spain gave up Cuba, Puerto Rico & Guam Sold Philippines to U.S. for $ 20 million Cuba was given independence, but the U.S. gained control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

28 Debate over the Philippines
America should control Philippines protect, educate, and civilize Filipinos Anti-imperialist League William J. Bryan & Mark Twain Imperialism was a crime & went against principles of democracy Senate APPROVED the TREATY 1899-US annexed the Philippines to the dismay of the Filipinos

29 Aftermath Ended Spanish Empire McKinley wins re-election
“hero of San Juan Hill” Teddy Roosevelt is V.P. American enters into world affairs & imperialism Filipino revolution continues for years Caribbean nations fear America interests

30 The United States Navy Roosevelt influenced by Alfred T. Mahan
Promoted a strong navy to protect American interests in Asia Congress supported the Great White Fleet 1907 world cruise showed America’s increased military power

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