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Reasons for WarGood Eh Bad 1.The US is directly attacked by a foreign nation 1 2 34 5 2.Property of the US or its citizens (ships, overseas business, etc.)

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons for WarGood Eh Bad 1.The US is directly attacked by a foreign nation 1 2 34 5 2.Property of the US or its citizens (ships, overseas business, etc.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons for WarGood Eh Bad 1.The US is directly attacked by a foreign nation 1 2 34 5 2.Property of the US or its citizens (ships, overseas business, etc.) is attacked by a foreign nation 1 2 34 5 3.To acquire new land or territory 1 2 34 5 4.To protect foreign industries vital to the US (ex. Oil) 1 2 34 5 5.Terrorist attack on US citizens or property 1 2 34 5 6.To help a friendly nation that has been invaded by an enemy 7.To stop genocide 1 2 3 4 5 DO NOW: Reasons to fight. Rate them (1-5). Which one is the best/worst reason and explain why? Once complete come up and mark your answers on the board

2 Chapter 18 Section 2 The Spanish – American War

3 Spanish Misrule in Cuba

4 In 1895, Cuban patriot Jose Marti launched a war for independence from Spain. Rebel fighters used guerilla tactics and hit-and-run raids against Spanish forces. General Valeriano Weyler responded…

5 General Valeriano Weyler: Spanish Governor of Cuba that used brutal tactics against the Cubans. He was responsible for detaining over 500,000 Cubans and killing over 100,000. *Americans sympathized with the Cuban desire for freedom.

6 President McKinley wanted to avoid war with Spain.

7 Yellow Journalism (Press):  Exaggerated publications; heightened dislike of Spanish government  Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal competed to publish the most grisly stories of Spanish cruelty, in order to sell more papers.

8 Yellow Journalism inflamed American emotions. In response, President McKinley warned Spain to make peace and sent the battleship Maine to Havana harbor to protect American citizens.

9 An explosion destroyed the Maine killing 266 U.S. Sailors. (February 15, 1898)

10 Remember the Maine!  People at the time blamed Spain.  McKinley still wanted to use force.  U.S. Navy was sent to blockade Cuban ports.  McKinley called for 100,000 volunteers.  In response to American actions, Spain declared war on the U.S.

11 The war began with U.S. victories in the Philippines.  George Dewey surprised and easily defeated a Spanish fleet at Manila Bay.  Rather than surrender to the Filipino independence fighters Spanish troops surrendered to U.S. forces.

12 Theodore Roosevelt Fights in Spanish – American War (3:09)

13 Theodore Roosevelt  Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the McKinley administration.  Imperialist and American nationalist.  Criticized President McKinley as having the backbone of a chocolate éclair!  Resigns from his position to fight in Cuba.

14 T.R. leads Rough Riders up San Juan Hill  5,400 U.S. soldiers die, 400 in battle, the rest from disease

15 DO NOW: Torture one to save one hundred. Would you approve it? Why or why not?

16 Treaty of Paris (1898):  Cuba was freed from Spanish rule.  Spain gave up Puerto Rico and the island of Guam.  The U.S. paid Spain $20 million for the Philippines.  U.S. becomes an imperial power!

17 Secretary of State John Hay called it a “splendid little war” Imperialism and the purchase of the Philippines led to much debate in the United States…

18 Americans Debate Imperialism William Jennings Bryan & Mark Twain:  Critics of imperialism  Attacked it, it was against American principles  The American Anti- Imperialist League was formed in 1899 President McKinley:  Supported imperialism  Argued the United States had a responsibility to “uplift and civilize” the Filipino people

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