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Nutritional Needs Change Throughout the Life Cycle

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1 Nutritional Needs Change Throughout the Life Cycle
Elderly, Aging Nutritional Needs Change Throughout the Life Cycle

2 Objectives: Identify the changing nutritional needs across the life cycle.

3 Introduction: At the other extreme on the nutrition needs continuum is the population of elderly. In the United States this age group is rapidly increasing, not just because people are living longer, but because more people are living to the age of These people are often living independently and sometimes alone. Most are able to make their own decisions and care for themselves, but because of the body’s natural aging process, and because of their stage in the family life cycle, elderly needs are unique. The elderly may have small appetites and some may even be too weak to get enough to eat at a meal. Some are also on limited incomes.

4 Show Video: The Mailbox, 25 minutes

5 Old Folks are Worth a Fortune!
Remember, old folks are worth a fortune, with silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead in their feet and gas in their stomachs. I have become a little older since I saw you last and a few changes have come into my life since then.

6 Elderly Simulation

7 Frankly, I have become quite a frivolous old gal
Frankly, I have become quite a frivolous old gal. I am seeing five gentlemen every day. As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go see John. Then Charlie Horse comes along, and when he is here he takes a lot of my time and attention. When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. He doesn’t like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint. After such a busy day I’m really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay. What a life!!

8 Aging Facts: Nutrient dense foods are important
Taste sensations and smells are less sensitive Low sodium and low-fat diets are common. Various physical and mental challenges may limit ability to purchase and prepare foods. Elderly who live alone have a harder time eating a variety of nutritious foods; malnutrition is a concern. Many health concerns and diseases incident to aging effect eating habits and food choices. Food assistance programs are available to help feed the elderly.

9 The preacher came to call the other day
The preacher came to call the other day. He said at my age, I should be thinking about the hereafter. I told him, “Oh, I do all the time. No matter where I am, in the parlor, upstairs, in the kitchen or down in the basement.” I ask myself now “What am I here after?”

10 Summary:

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