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Level 4 Unit 7 (Four Corners)

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Presentation on theme: "Level 4 Unit 7 (Four Corners)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 4 Unit 7 (Four Corners)
Miss Vargas

2 Watch the video and guess today’s topic !!!
Watch the video again, and write down the products and departments you see in the video.

3 Describe these objects !
Noisy Big expensive heavy Slow Thick Cars Small Big Cell phones Thin thick

4 noisy Noisy Big expensive heavy Slow Thick slow

5 Describe these objects !
Noisy Big expensive heavy Slow Thick Computers Cameras Light Heavy expensive

6 I can’t decide!! Customer: I want to buy a new cell phone but I don’t know which one. Can you help me? Which is better ? Shop assistant: iPhone is faster than the Samsung Galaxy, it is easier to use but it is also more expensive. The Samsung Galaxy is more complete, you can download free apps and it is cheaper than the iPhone. Customer: What can you tell me about the camera of these phones? Shop assistant: Well, the front camera in iPhone is better than Samsung Galaxy but the memory in Samsung galaxy is bigger so you can store more photos that in iPhone.

7 Comparatives iPhone is faster than the Samsung Galaxy (fast)
The Samsung Galaxy is more complete (complete) Which is better ? (good) Adjective Comparative Fast Faster Complete More complete Good Better Bad worse

8 Compare these objects ! Cars Big Small
This car is ____________mini cooper. Mini cooper is ______________ Avenger. Small

9 This Nokia is ____________ BenQ. BenQ is ______________ Nokia.
Compare these objects ! Nokia BenQ Cell phones Thick This Nokia is ____________ BenQ. BenQ is ______________ Nokia. Thin

10 This printer is __________________that one
fast This printer is __________________that one

11 slow The white fan is _________________ black one. The black fan is_________________ white one.

12 Compare these objects ! Computers heavy Light
A laptop is _______________ a desktop. A desktop________________ a laptop heavy Light

13 Compare these objects ! Cameras Cheap expensive
A Kodak camera is _______________ a Nikon. A Nikon ________________ a Kodak.

Now you compare these products and tell a partner what you think. “A:I think HEB is more expensive than Walmart” B: Yeah but I think Walmart is better because it has more products.” CONVERSE SHOES HIGH HEEL SHOES TV A TV B

15 What are these places? What is the difference between them ? What products can you find in those places? Is the quality of the products the same in both places?

What are the characteristics of these markets? Are products expensive or cheap? Do the products have price tags? How do you know the price of a product? STREET MARKET OPEN AIR MARKET

17 Will you buy these converse shoes if the merchant tells you they are 300 pesos? Yes, No, why?
How much would you pay for them? Why? You really want these shoes but you don’t want to pay 300 pesos, What would you do? You can bargain!!!! 

18 Listen to the conversation and identify the following Information:
How many people are talking in the dialogue? What is the gender of the people talking? Male or female? Where are these people? What are they doing? Two people male In a street market They are bargaining

19 Dialogue Merchant: Well hi there. What are you looking for today? Customer: Uh, I'm just looking. Merchant: Well, how about a ring for someone special? Customer: There IS no one special. Merchant: Well, take a look at this CD player. A great bargain today only. Customer: Nah. I already have one, plus the handle is cracked. Merchant: Okay. Well what about this genuine leather jacket? It would look great on you. Customer: Hum. Let me take a look at it. Merchant: Sure. Customer: Umm. There are stains on the sleeves. I'll pass. Merchant: Well okay. Well, wouldn't you like to walk home with some of these great records? Some of the best hits from the 1960's. Customer: Yeah, let's see. [Yeah] Now here's something I'd Ah, these records are scratched. Merchant: [Laughter] Just in a couple places. Listen. I'll sell you these ten records for fifty dollars. A steal! Customer: Whoa! They're way too expensive. I'll give you twenty-five bucks for them.

20 Dialogue Merchant: Ah, come on. I can't charge you less than thirty dollars and break even. Customer: Well, that guy over there is selling similar records for a much better price [Ah!], so thanks anyway. Merchant: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You drive a hard bargain. Twenty-eight dollars, and that's my final offer. Customer: Huh I'll think about it. Merchant: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen. I'll even throw in this vase. Customer: Now what am I going to do with a vase? Merchant: Well, you can give it to that someone special when you find her. . . and this ring would look great with it. Customer: Oh, I just want the records.


22 VOCABULARY steal (noun): a great bargain - For only $10, that radio is a steal. buck (noun): one dollar (informal) - Hey. Can you loan me a few bucks until the end of the week? break even (verb): end up with loss at the end of some business activity - Business was good yesterday at the store, but in the end, we barely broke even. drive a hard bargain (idiom): expect a lot for what you pay for - She drives a hard bargain whenever she sells clothing in the outside marketplace. throw in (phrasal verb): add or include - I'll buy the ring if you throw in the necklace too.

23 Bargaining for a lower price Suggesting a different price
EXPRESSIONS Bargaining for a lower price How about …? Will you take …? Would you take…? Suggesting a different price You can have it /them for… I’ll let you have it /them for… I’ll give it / them to you for … Practice this conversation with a partner, using any product you want, change the expression and personalize the prices. Customer: Excuse, how much is this __________? / How much are these ___________? Merchant: Oh! It’s only ___________ Customer: Wow! That’s expensive! How about _______________? Merchant: No, I’m sorry but that’s a good price. Customer: well, thank you. Merchant: wait! give me ____________________ and I’ll include this _________________. Customer: but I only have ____________. Merchant: ok, I’ll let you have it/ them for ________________ and that’s the lowest I can go. Customer: ok! I’ll take it/them. PRODUCT PRODUCTS PRICE LOWER PRICE EVEN LOWER PRICE ANOTHER OBJECT MONEY LOWEST PRICE

24 Questions with which – Let’s compare languages
A:Which is ______________? _________ or _________? B: I think _____________ is _________________ than ________. easier (comparative) easier English (object 1) French (object 2) English (object 1) French (comparative) easier (object 2)





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