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Psychological Disorders

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1 Psychological Disorders

2 Stress- the arousal of one’s mind and body in response to demands made upon them. So, in other words, your body is under constant stress. Gravity Barometric Pressure Emotions Frustrations Daily Hassles Life Changes Conflict

3 Stressor- the event or situation that causes stress.
Eustress- positive stress- stress that causes increased sharpness and motivation and can keep people alert and involved. if you like riding roller coasters, it can be like the feeling you get while riding. Distress- negative stress- intense pressure and anxiety that can cause severe psychological and physical effects. Stressor- the event or situation that causes stress. Dealing with stress- coping Defensive Active Substance abuse Changing stressful thoughts Aggression Relaxation techniques Withdrawal Exercise Suicide Defense Mechanisms

4 Freud’s Defense Mechanisms
Repression-push into unconscious (keep it inside) Rationalization- the use of self-deception to justify unacceptable behaviors or ideas Displacement- transferring to a less intimidating target Regression- reverting back to behavior of a younger age Projection- seeing your own faults in other people Reaction Formation- acting in reverse to the way you are feeling Denial- it never happened Sublimation- channeling into socially acceptable behavior

5 Dealing with Conflict approach-approach conflict least stressful, all choices are positive a choice between two equally attractive alternatives avoidance-avoidance conflict lesser of two evils a choice between two equally unattractive alternatives approach-avoidance conflict good and bad at same time a choice of whether or not to don something when part of the situation is attractive but the other is not (buy a new car/but it will cost a lot of money) multiple approach-avoidance conflict each has advantages and disadvantages a choice between alternatives that have both good and bad aspects

6 Social Readjustment Rating Scale
100 to up is Distressful, 50 down is Eustressful 100 Death of a Spouse/Child 73 Divorce 63 Death of close family member 50 Marriage 26 Beginning or Ending Schooling 13 Vacation 12 Christmas

7 Identifying Disorders
normal v abnormal what is average for the majority of people deviation from the majority then becomes the primary criterion Symptoms Relative Stress Typicality Maladaptivity Emotional Discomfort Socially Unacceptable Behavior culture-bound syndromes Classifying Disorders DSM- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

8 Psychological Disorders

9 Sleep Disorders Insomnia-disruptive sleep Regular Interruptive Waking Nightmares-bad dreams Night Terrors-we don’t know, but is characterized by stage two screaming with no memory Sleepwalking Sleeptalking Sleep Apnea-stopping breathing during sleep, can be caused by natural aging (wrinkles in the throat) or by brain dysfunction. Narcolepsy-extreme tiredness or sleeping at inappropriate times

10 Anxiety Disorders Phobic persistent excessive or irrational fear of a particular object or situation Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia Panic attacks-recurring unexpected/thus fear of other attacks Agoraphobia fear of places in which escape may be difficult Generalized Anxiety Disorder excessive or unrealistic worry about life circumstances Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessions- can’t get rid of it in your mind Compulsions- repetitive ritual behaviors Stress Disorder Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Acute Stress Disorder

11 Dissociative Disorders
separation of certain personality components or metal processes from conscious thought Amnesia-sudden loss of memory, ranging from recent memories to all prior memories. Fugue- not only forgetting personal identity but by also suddenly relocating and taking a new identity Dissociative Identity Disorder- multiple identities

12 Somatoform Disorders expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms Conversion loss of physical functioning for which there in no known reason

13 Hypochondriasis a person’s unrealistic preoccupation with thoughts that they have a serious disease

14 people who can’t deal with the normal ups and downs of daily life
Mood Disorders people who can’t deal with the normal ups and downs of daily life Depression- must have 5 of the 9 following and be present for two weeks persistent depressed mood for most of the day loss of interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities significant weight loss or gain due to changes in appetite sleeping more than usual speeding up or slowing down of physical or emotional reactions fatigue or loss of energy feelings of worthlessness or unfounded guilt reduced ability to concentrate or make meaningful decisions recurrent thoughts of death or suicide Bipolar-dramatic ups and downs at inappropriate times. mania-high highs depressive-low lows No rhyme or reason

15 Schizophrenia loss of contact with reality Hallucinations Visual auditory Delusions Grandeur Persecution Religious Existential Thought disorders Organization or process of content thought All or nothing now but use to have several categories

16 Some of the past categories
Latent- you have it but it really doesn’t affect you Paranoid-being followed etc Disorganized- the “crazy” ones Catatonic- goes into a stupor Grandeur- messianic complexes

17 Personality Disorders
patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social/work life and distress the individual Paranoid-suspiciousness and distrust about others motives Schizoid-detachment from social relationships Schizotypal-acute discomfort in close relationships, eccentric behavior Antisocial-disregard of rights of others Borderline-instability in interpersonal relationships and self-image Histrionic-Excessive emotionality, need for attention Narcissistic-Grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy Avoidant-social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy Dependent-submissive, clingy Obsessive-Compulsive-obsession with orderliness, perfectionism and control

18 Psychopath a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior Sociopath a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

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