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Victorians Victorians Science Maths English Year 1 Autumn 2 Computing

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1 Victorians Victorians Science Maths English Year 1 Autumn 2 Computing
Everyday Materials. Distinguish between the name of an object and the material it is made from Explore a range of toys Victorian and modern and discuss what they are made from. Seasonal Changes Observe seasonal changes and describe weather associated with seasons Discuss changes children notice as we head into the Winter months Working Scientifically Investigation Question- Is plastic or wood a better material for a toy? Maths Continue to follow Power Maths programme with units to include: Addition and subtraction within 10. 2D and 3D shape Read and write numbers to 20 English Use non-fiction texts to learn about the Victorian Era and the life of Florence Nightingale Listen to the story of The Nutcracker, discuss the sequence of events in the story and give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives based on a deep understanding of the text. Continue to develop phonic understanding Discuss word meanings linking new vocabulary to words already known. Write sentences by: Independently demarcating with full stops and capital letters. Saying sentences aloud before writing. Reading work back to check it makes sense. Continue to develop cursive handwriting. Victorians Year 1 Autumn 2 Victorians Computing E-safety , word processing skills History Develop an awareness of the life and achievements of Florence Nightingale. Looking at toys from the Victorian age- discuss how are they different? Look at parent’s and grandparent’s toys. Discuss what they are made from and how they are different from toys today. Compare Victorian-era Christmas celebrations to modern day during a visit to Newstead Abbey PSHE Following the Jigsaw programme. RE-Staffordshire Agreed syllabus. Beliefs, teaching and sources- 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.2c. Geography Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. Talk about the continents and countries the Victorian Empire covered. Learn the names of oceans Victorian explorers travelled. P.E-Movement/Travelling Art and DT Design and make a toy from the Victorian era. Learn about and create Victorian-era portraits using a range of methods Children investigate movement, stillness and using space safely. Use basic gymnastic actions on the floor and low apparatus.

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