ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools

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Presentation on theme: "ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools
Designing Lessons Dr. Christy Keeler

2 Complete two-minute course evaluation

3 Daily Objectives Identify basic components of lesson plans.
Develop rudimentary lesson plans using word processing stationary. Utilize basic features of presentation software to support lecture-based teaching.

4 Daily Outline Review Lesson Ideas Opening
Lecture: Tools for Lesson Planning Guided Practice: Prepare a Lesson Plan Demonstration: Slideshows Guided Practice: Prepare Slideshow for Lesson Closing

5 Tools for Planning Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Templates
Organized plans describing what will occur during a specified timeframe Lesson Plan Templates Guides ensuring teachers address all aspects of a lesson that research deems important to student learning

6 Lesson Planning Example research-based templates Go to Web
Madeline Hunter Stephen Binko Keeler Generic Example technology-based template Stationary Bullets Font styles Text formatting (tabs) Copy/Paste/Undo/Delete Go to Web Go to Word

7 Return to your triads. Transfer your pre-conceived lesson into lesson plan format. Use the simplified lesson plan template (not regular).

8 Identify successes, problems, and questions you faced when transferring your lessons into lesson plan formats.

9 PowerPoint Add/Delete slide Duplicate slide Slide layout
Slide background Master slide Notes Outline Slide sorter Slide transitions Add graphics Add drawing features Moving between slides Animations Copy / Paste Go to PowerPoint

10 Work in your groups to prepare PowerPoint slides to accompany your lesson.

11 Daily Objectives Identify basic components of lesson plans.
Develop rudimentary lesson plans using word processing stationary. Utilize basic features of presentation software to support lecture-based teaching.

12 Daily Outline Review lesson ideas Opening Lecture: Tools for planning
Guided Practice: Prepare a lesson plan Demonstration: Presentation slideshows Guided Practice: Prepare slideshow for lesson Closing

13 For Next Week Readings and Quiz Lesson Plan I and Presentation Slides
Teaching Kids to be Web Literate Lesson Plan I and Presentation Slides Draft due Monday Final due Wednesday Technical Support Labs Instructor Grading Feedback

14 ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools
Have a great week ~ See you next session! Dr. Christy Keeler

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