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Bellringer – Phones in Vault, please

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1 Bellringer – Phones in Vault, please
Why do you think Amy Tan wrote “Rules of the Game”? What was her purpose/intended audience? Think of the “M” in SKUM (Meaning) behind the story. Explain your thoughts in 3-4 sentences (Write this beneath your bellringer from last class).

2 Bellringer What is the most interesting thing you have learned about your literary term so far?

3 Grammar Pretest 30 multiple choice questions. Please do not write on the test, only on your scantron sheet. Do the best you can – this is to determine your baseline knowledge of grammar, so that I know what I need to teach in class. If you are unsure of a question, you can skip over it, but go back later and try to give your best educated guess. This pretest will NOT count as part of your overall grade, but will go in the gradebook as a “No Count” so that you may see your initial score. When you are finished, put the scantron in the your class period’s tray and your test in a pile on the student center table. Read your DEAR book or do another quiet activity when you are finished.

4 Drop Everything And Read **PHONES IN VAULT PLEASE
Today we are going to the library to select a fiction book – the genre is up to you. Will you pick mystery, fantasy, horror, a feel good story? Your book must be at least 200 pages in length. When we return, we will participate in DEAR time for 10 minutes. During this time you may listen to headphones, but the room should be SILENT  silence IS golden after all! Before DEAR time, we will complete our first reading log. This will go in the section “Reading Logs” in your binder.

5 Reading Log #1 Write on a fresh sheet of paper; file in your “Reading Logs” tab in your English binder. Examine the cover art of your DEAR book. Describe what is on the cover. What does it help you predict about the story inside? 85 words minimum.

6 “Rules of the Game” p. 224-231 SKUM Questions
1. S-Subject level analysis Who? What? When? Where? 2. K-Key Details Write 4-8 details about the story that you noticed. 3. U-Understanding the Connection Make 2-3 grouped connections between the details you noted 4. M-Meaning A.) List the beliefs and values that you see in the story. Look at your lit terms dictionary for the definition of “belief” and “value.” B.) What are the “rules” Waverly refers to? How are they similar to the rules of chess? How are they different? Hint: Think of her relationship with her mother Respond to this question with complete sentences – should be a well- developed paragraph of 4-5 sentences.

7 Literary Terms Posters
Due September 7th for A-Day classes and September 8th for B-Day classes. You will give a short presentation describing your literary term and showing us your poster on this day.

8 Bellringer Put the final touches on your Lit Terms Poster.
Make sure you have: The lit term A definition An example Color and detail

9 Lit Terms Poster Presentations
We will take 10 minutes to finish posters and put the finishing touches on them. After this, presentations begin. You will present your poster to your table group and the table group directly in front of (or behind) your table. Presentations should be roughly 2-3 minutes per person. During presentations, use your Lit Terms Dictionary to write down the definitions and examples of the literary terms you see. If there is not a place in your dictionary for the word, write it on one of your blank pages. When we are finished, make sure that your poster has your NAME and CLASS PERIOD on the back and that you’ve attached the assignment sheet to your poster so that I can grade it.

10 Reading Log #2 Describe the protagonist in your book.
Consider: What do they look like? Act like? How do they interact with other characters? What makes them unique? 85 words minimum; include the title and author of your book in your first introductory sentence.

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