Poempardy Game.

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Presentation on theme: "Poempardy Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poempardy Game

2 Poempardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Name of Game Get Tech R-r-r-r-r
Sounds Like Git Lit $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Double Jeopardy… Final Jeopardy…

3 Name of Game One of the oldest and most popular poems; story poem about the sensational Ballad

4 Name of Game - $200 5-line humorous poem with a-a-b-b-a rhyme scheme

5 Name of Game - $300 Any of different types of poems that could be called story poems, with plot, setting, characterization, theme Narrative poems

6 Name of Game - $400 Poem, often brief, that expresses an emotion or feeling (and may represent the poet as “I” ) Lyric

7 Name of Game - $500 Long, narrative poem that tells of heroic deeds; often used to show a culture or country’s ideals of a hero epic

8 Get Tech - $100 Dictionary definition denotation

9 Get Tech - $200 Comparison using ‘like’ or ‘as’ simile

10 Get Tech - $300 Rhyme that is close, but not exact; “cheap rhyme”
Approximate rhyme

11 Get Tech - $400 One unit of rhythm, including stressed and unstressed syllables foot

12 Get Tech - $500 Poetry without a regular rhyme scheme; perhaps no regular meter Free verse

13 R-r-r-r-r - $100 Using a word a second or third time repetition

14 R-r-r-r-r - $200 Pattern of end rhymes; each rhyme is given a letter starting with “a” until a pattern emerges Rhyme scheme

15 R-r-r-r-r - $300 Repetition of accented vowel sounds and all the sounds following them in words that are close together in poetry rhyme

16 R-r-r-r-r - $400 Creating a musical quality or patter by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables or other sound patterns rhythm

17 R-r-r-r-r - $500 Repetition of phrases, lines--to create mood, focus attention, emphasize an idea or feeling refrain

18 Sounds Like $100 Repetition of consonant sounds (tongue twisters) alliteration

19 Sounds Like $200 Rhymes that can be found in the middle of the lines Internal rhyme

20 Sounds Like $300 Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry meter

21 Sounds Like . . . - $400 Making/using words that imitate real sounds

22 Sounds Like $500 Repetition of vowel sounds assonance

23 Git Lit - $100 Contrast between expectation and reality (verbal, situational, dramatic) irony

24 Git Lit - $200 Indirect comparison of unlike things metaphor

25 Git Lit - $300 Reference to a work of literature, event, person, place

26 Git Lit - $400 Attitude of the author toward a work, its characters, events, etc. tone

27 Git Lit - $500 Language that appeals to the senses imagery

28 Double Jeopardy $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Category 1 2 3 4 5
Final Jeopardy…

29 Category 1 - $200 Question? Answer

30 Category 1 - $400 Question? Answer

31 Category 1 - $600 Question? Answer

32 Category 1 - $800 Question? Answer

33 Category 1 - $1000 Question? Answer

34 Category 2 - $200 Question? Answer

35 Category 2 - $400 Question? Answer

36 Category 2 - $600 Question? Answer

37 Category 2 - $800 Question? Answer

38 Category 2 - $1000 Question? Answer

39 Category 3 - $200 Question? Answer

40 Category 3 - $400 Question? Answer

41 Category 3 - $600 Question? Answer

42 Category 3 - $800 Question? Answer

43 Category 3 - $1000 Question? Answer

44 Category 4 - $200 Question? Answer

45 Category 4 - $400 Question? Answer

46 Category 4 - $600 Question? Answer

47 Category 4 - $800 Question? Answer

48 Category 4 - $1000 Question? Answer

49 Category 5 - $200 Question? Answer

50 Category 5 - $400 Question? Answer

51 Category 5 - $600 Question? Answer

52 Category 5 - $800 Question? Answer

53 Category 5 - $1000 Question? Answer

54 Final Jeopardy

55 Category

56 Final Jeopardy Question? Answer

57 The End

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