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Autumn Learning in Year 4

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1 Autumn Learning in Year 4
Numeracy This term we will be focusing on learning to: Learn all times tables (1x to 12x) Making sure our knowledge of number and place value is secure. Order numbers beyond 1000 using their place value. Partition 4 digit numbers and understand the value of each digit. Secure written methods to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. Multiply and divide using formal methods Literacy This term in Literacy your child will be learning to: Spelling This term, Year 4 will be working on securing the spelling of all of the Year 3 and 4 orange ‘tricky’ words from the National Curriculum expectations. Children will be given spellings each week and will be tested on a Friday. Handwriting Children in year 4 will be reviewing letter formation with the new school cursive handwriting scheme. We will be learning to join our new cursive letters. Sentence work Secure knowledge and use of punctuation ( . ? ! ‘ “ “) Check our writing for grammatical accuracy. Explore using descriptive language for effect. Experimenting with different sentence structures. Texts and literacy topics Children will have the opportunity to write in a variety of different styles. Children will explore different text types and understand and use their features. Children will begin writing a piece of fictional writing based on a fantasy setting and will go on to explore persuasive writing. They will also be learning about poems that create images, reading and analysing a fantasy themed novel and learning about newspaper recounts. Reading This term we will be focusing on comprehending the texts that we read. We will be reading texts as a class and children will be given chapters to take home to read. I is important that children read these chapters as they will be completing tasks on them in school. How can you help? Home readers Please read with your child every day as this makes a big difference to your child's learning. Talk about the book and ask them questions to support their understanding of the texts they are reading. We will be monitoring closely how much your child is reading at home. Library day Year 4 will try and visit the school library once each week. This is a good chance to read small chunks of more challenging texts and for children to read books of their own choice for enjoyment.

2 Year 4 Learning Overview Autumn2016 – Invaders: Anglo-Saxons
Science All living things History Anglo-Saxons Personal , Social & Health Education and Citizenship New beginnings Feelings and Emotions Religious Education Sikhism What does it mean to belong Design Technology Design and construct an Anglo Saxon settlement Art Shield investigation and design Anglo Saxon jewellery Computing We are software developers – using ‘Scratch’ to programme an educational game for Year 4. We are musicians Music Singing in a group and individually Performing Things to remember ! Reading – Please remind your child to bring their book and diary each day. We will be checking reading diaries every day. Library - Children will visit the school library each week, children can only choose a new book if they return their last book. PE Kit- Please have a PE kit in school all week as we made need them throughout the week. Homework Alongside home reading books, which should be shared daily, Year 4 children will receive homework each week which needs to be completed and handed back in. Your child will be given homework on a Friday and it needs to be back in school by Wednesday. If not, children will be provided with time during the school day to complete their homework.

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