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Mrs Marshall’s Class Our topic this term is... PE PE sessions this term will be on a Monday & Wednesday. Please keep your kit in school throughout the.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Marshall’s Class Our topic this term is... PE PE sessions this term will be on a Monday & Wednesday. Please keep your kit in school throughout the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Marshall’s Class Our topic this term is... PE PE sessions this term will be on a Monday & Wednesday. Please keep your kit in school throughout the week so that you have everything you need, for both indoor and outdoor sessions. Spellings We will continue to have weekly spelling tests on a Friday. Spellings will be sent home the week before to learn in preparation for the test. It is useful to learn the words given in a sentence so that the children understand the meaning of each word and can use them in their work. Reading Please try and read at home with your child every night and record in their diaries when they have read and when a new book is required. Children will have weekly guided reading sessions in school. Mental Maths We will also continue to have mental maths tests. This will be a random selection of age appropriate questions. You can help your child by learning times table facts, rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts, telling the time, working out totals and change, or visit the websites suggested over the page. Homework A termly homework project will be set based around the class topic. The children will get an opportunity to talk to their class mates about their project at the end of June. There will also be weekly handwriting homework set each Wednesday. Thank you for your support. Mrs Marshall Things to remember!

2 This term we will be learning all about how we can look after the world around us! site/numeracy.shtml 11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers In Science, we will be learning about plants, looking at the parts of a plant and their function, what plants need to grow, including carrying out investigations and how water is transported through plants. After half term, we will be learning about Rocks and Soils, looking at different types of rocks and how they are formed. Our RE learning will focus on Christian beliefs and lifestyles. Useful maths websites In PE, we will be focussing on agility, health and fitness and skills needed for ball games. We will be learning how to play a djembe drum. In our English sessions, we will be reading Ted Hughes’ ‘Iron Man’ and looking at his use of figurative language to help us write our own fantasy stories. We will also use this text to write diary entries. We will be writing persuasive texts about recycling, as well as creating our own poetry. We will continue our French sessions, learning vocabulary about the human body, food, transport, weather and pocket money. We will also be looking at coding in our computing sessions, using Apps such as Scratch Junior and Kodable. In Art we will be looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, an environmental artist. During our Geography sessions, we will be looking at how traffic and waste affect the environment and carrying out and analysing surveys. We will be designing and making a pencil case from recycling other materials.


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