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Urbanization Cities and Immigrants.

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1 Urbanization Cities and Immigrants

2 Standards SS.912.A.3.2: Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the second Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century. End of Course Exam Benchmark. SS.912.A.3.7: Compare the experience of European immigrants in the east to that of Asian immigrants in the west (the Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan) SS.912.A.3.11: Analyze the impact of political machines in United States cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

3 Cities Urbanization-the movement of people from country to city
In 1865 most Americans lived in countryside (farming movement) By 1920 half lived in cities. NY, Chicago, Philadelphia had over a million residents

4 Reasons for Urbanization
Push/Pull factors Railroads and improved roads made it easier for people to move to cities. Cities like Chicago and Atlanta grew because of this. Many people attracted by the city life and opportunity Rise of factories and the needs of growing urban populations created more jobs. Uncertainty of farm life, new farm machinery pushed people away from the farms

5 Cities Face New Problems
Cities grew too fast and cities lacked services (hospitals, schools, fire, police, garbage) Overcrowding and slums Tenements-low cost rental housing barely meeting minimal living requirements Lack of sanitation and pollution=people died from diseases Traffic congestion Political corruption







12 “The absence of traditional city forms made colonial American cities seem ugly, chaotic, and scattered to European visitors. Colonial cities did not even have names for their streets. In addition to their confusingly unconventional appearance, these New World cities were probably even smellier and dirtier than their British counterparts. Poor urban families raised pigs, which wandered the streets. Though prohibited by ordinance by the end of the eighteenth century, at least in Providence and New York City, pigs foraged freely well into the mid-nineteenth century. They thrived on the garbage, and on the animal and human excrement in the streets. In order to promenade, the elites of Boston and New York created special parks in the mid-eighteenth century, where railings excluded the omnipresent pigs, horses, and oxen”

13 Political Machines Political machine- an organization controlled by a “boss” that gets citizens to vote for its candidate on election day. People worked for the “machine” in exchange for political favors and other rewards Bosses provided jobs and services to immigrants and other poor residents in return for their votes. Machine makes profit by overcharging on city contracts Tammany Hall in NYC-most famous political machine Graft-using political influence for personal gain

14 Political Machines William “Boss” Tweed was the most famous boss
Thomas Nast-made anti machine political cartoons



17 Immigration Old Immigrants- came before from Western Europe (England, Ireland, Germany, France) Came to escape religious and political persecution or to find new economic opportunities. Spoke English Protestant

18 Immigration New Immigrants from Eastern Europe and Mediterranean (Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia) Did not speak English Catholic/Jewish Escape religious persecution

19 Establishing a New Life
Traveled across the Atlantic in steerage (cheapest class on ship) Most landed in Ellis Island, NYC Could be sent back if they had poor health Found unskilled jobs Settled in ghettos (urban neighborhood with immigrants of one nationality-Little Italy, Chinatown) where people spoke language, had same religion, same newspapers

20 Americanization Americanized-assimilate (to make similar) into mainstream American society by learning its values and behaviors Children began to assimilate (made similar to other Americans)

21 Asia Pushed by warfare and economic hard times in China
Pulled by the lure of gold, later railroad work Chinese Immigrants were needed to build transcontinental railroad but once it was completed, they became discriminated

22 In 1850s, a white man murdered a Chinese man and was sent to jail after other Chinese testified against him. California Supreme Court ruled to free him, starting a trend of legal discrimination and abuse US Naturalization Act of only whites and African descent can become US citizens 1882- Chinese Exclusion Act-made a ban on immigration for 10 years Any Chinese immigration was processed at Angel Island in San Francisco





27 Japanese pushed by changes in Japan and pulled by lure of greater economic opportunity
Racial prejudice of segregated schools in San Francisco forced a negotiation called “Gentlemen's Agreement” in 1907. Gentleman’s Agreement- led by President Theodore Roosevelt, the Japanese government agreed to prevent the further immigration of workers with an exception

28 Nativism Nativism-the belief that native-born Americans were superior to others, and that immigrants and their diverse cultural influences were undesirable. True American=native-born, white, English-speaking, Protestant Anti-immigration societies began to spring up across America, KKK reemerges, effect immigration laws

29 Farmers In the Second Industrial Revolution farmers faced many problems including the price of food dropping Many Americans were still farmers and their anger had social and political effects

30 Problems of Farmers 1870-1920 Agricultural overproduction
International competition Scarcity of money Profits of “middlemen” High shipping costs High cost of manufactured products Farm debt and cost of money Natural disasters Rural isolation

31 Farm debt and cost of money
Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890 law required the federal government to purchase a large amount of silver each month. Supporters predicted this would lead to an increase in the amount of money in circulation

32 Natural Disasters Drought-lack of rainfall

33 Farmers organize to overcome their problems
Grange movement Granger laws Interstate Commerce Act 1887

34 Grange Movement Oliver Hudson Kelley- organized the “Grange Movement”- to organize and modernize farming communities In 10 years it had 1.5 million members

35 Granger Laws Farmers blamed railroad companies, farmers got new laws in their favor Munn v Illinois- states could regulate private businesses if that business is used for the public good. The private business is a grain elevator which holds grains Wabash v Illinois-a state could not regulate railroads since they traveled through more than one state. Only congress could regulate interstate commerce


37 Interstate Commerce Act 1887
Interstate Commerce Act- the act marked the first step towards federal regulation of unfair business practices.

38 Populist Party People involved in the Grange movement made “Farmers Alliances” that focused on local politics. They forms a national party called the Populist Party. The Populist Party believed rich industrialist and bankers controlled the government. Republicans and democrats sold out to them and were corrupt

39 Populist Platform of 1892 Omaha Platform-Populist ideas:
Bimetallism-using gold and silver to increase amount of money available Direct election of Senators Government ownership of railroads and telephones Secret ballot Progressive income tax-taxing wealthy more than others 8hr workday

40 Democratic Convention
William Jennings Bryan-made the Cross of Gold speech saying mankind was being crucified upon a cross of gold Populist liked Bryan and that moved their party to Democratic control In the election captains of industry financed the republican candidate McKinley and he won but populist ideas were later adopted

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