Short Stories Mystery.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Stories Mystery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Stories Mystery

2 What have we learned so far?
Elements of a Mystery Read 3 short stories - Viewed 1 short television show - Identified various contents of genres through the film and stories

3 Now, We will learn about the elements of short stories, so we can understand how to identify short stories as well as how to “talk” and “write” about them

4 Short Story Characteristics
A short story is short. Concentrates on 1 character, 1 place and 1 theme Must quickly involve the reader Brief space of time is covered Has a well defined plot

5 Characters in a Short Story
Protagonist Is clearly central to the story, with all major events having some importance to this character Antagonist - The character who opposes the main character

6 Protagonists? Antagonists?
Who are some protagonists and antagonists in some popular books or films?

7 Character Traits Describes one quality of personality. Example:
A person may be courageous, cowardly, considerate, sensitive, cruel, generous, irresponsible etc.

8 Setting Time (era, season, time of day)
Place (country, city, room/space) Atmosphere/Mood (happy, tense)

9 Conflict What is it? The clashing of opposing opinions, interests or desires. Is often an obstacle the protagonist must overcome Creates suspense and drives plot

10 Types of Conflict Person vs Person Person vs Society Person vs Nature
Person vs Self Person vs Technology

11 Point of View Innocent Eye- story told through the eyes of a child
Stream of Consciousness- story is told as if they are in the head of one of the characters First Person- story told by protagonist, only experience story through their eyes Omniscient- author narrates story, experience story through all characters eyes

12 Foreshadowing Authors will leave hints in their stories about what is going to happen next This increases suspense Example: In many horror movies foreshadowing is done through scary music

13 Theme The controlling idea or central insight
The authors underlying meaning or main idea that they are trying to convey Examples: Don’t judge a book by its cover, Fear of Change, Believe in Yourself, Love is Blind

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