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There are many different reasons…

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Presentation on theme: "There are many different reasons…"— Presentation transcript:

1 There are many different reasons…
Why Study Music? There are many different reasons…

2 Brainstorm Draw two circles on your paper so that they overlap.

3 Who are your favorite music artists?
Brainstorm Without looking at the answers of the other person take a few minutes to write down what you think is the answer to the question… Who are your favorite music artists?

4 Brainstorm Discuss the answers you have with your partner. If you both agree that the group is good put the name in the center of the circle. If you disagree discuss why you like or dislike the group. Only groups that both of you agree on can be added to the center. You have 5 minutes.

5 Brain Storm – Favorite Music

6 Brainstorm Using the back of the paper list the reasons why you both chose the performers that you did. Provide at least four reasons. Place your names on the paper and pass it in.

7 What makes music good???

8 The title of your notes is: Why Study Music?
It is a chance to discover a new way to express yourself. By the end of the 8 week term, you will have written and performed your own piece of music. You will also be able to play several pieces of music on the piano. How do you express yourself now?

9 Why Study Music? It develops self-discipline and is like learning a second language. Music uses its own form of notation. You will learn the basics in how to use this language. Give some examples of what this means.

10 Why Study Music? It is entertaining whether listening or playing.
We all experience music throughout our day. Where are some of the places you would hear music?

11 Why Study Music? It is shared by communities and other social groups.
Most cultures in the world have music which represent the society. Can you think of an example?

12 Why Study Music? It helps you discriminate between poor musicianship and quality musicianship. This course will give you the tools and vocabulary to distinguish what you like and why you like it. It will make answering the brainstorm question much easier.

13 Why Study Music? It gives you something you can do for the rest of your life. For some, music can become a life-long passion.

14 But why do I think we should study music…
Music and Life

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