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China Unit Review.

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1 China Unit Review

2 Dynasty A ruling family

3 Mandate of Heaven Rule granted by Heaven

4 Dynastic Cycle Rise and fall of ruling families

5 Oracle Bones Bones (usually of sheep or goat) placed in a fire in order to predict the future.

6 Confucianism Encourages leading a moral life
Serves as a code of conduct Believes in the Golden Rule

7 Daoism Legalism Seek harmony with the universe “Being” and “Non-Being”
Ruler has a strict system of rewards and punishments for society because people will not naturally chose good over evil

8 Buddhism 4 Noble truths Life is suffering
Suffering arises from attachment to desires Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path

9 Shi Huangdi The Great Wall- Over 4,000 miles Terra Cotta Army
Founder of the Qin Dynasty

10 Achievement/Inventions of Han
Acupuncture Sundial Typhoid fever cure Seismograph

11 One-Child Policy Enacted to help control overpopulation
Fines for having more than one child Tax breaks and benefits for having only one child Supported by some, but not all Chinese Caused the Gender imbalance in China

12 Civil Service Exams 3 day long exams to become a government official
Knowledge of over 400, 000 Confucian texts Mud cells Only 1 % passed

13 Who led the Mongol Conquest?
Genghiz Khan

14 Marco Polo Italian merchant who traveled to China
Lived with Kublai Khan Wrote a book detailing his travels Inspired other explorers like Christopher Columbus

15 Silk Road Not an actual road Routes of trade from China to Europe
Merchants wanted Gunpowder, Tea, Porcelain (pottery), Paper and Silk Important because it brought western ideas into China

16 Ming Dynasty (major mistake)
Isolated China at a time Europe was enhancing technology and expanding

17 Opium War Britain sold opium to China- people became addicted thus diminishing the silver supply Britain soon defeated China due to a lack of technology in weapons. Treaty of Nanjing ended Opium War- started the first of many unequal treaties.

18 Treaty of Nanjing Ended Opium Wars China has to open ports to Britain
Britain got Hong Kong Chinese Emperor has to pay for destroyed opium

19 Taiping Rebellion Peasant uprising Goal= technology 20 million killed

20 Boxer Rebellion Wanted: Removal of all foreigners
Removal of all Chinese Christians Return to ideals established in Confucianism

21 Sun Yatsen First leader of Republic of China
Established Three Principles of the People as basis for government

22 Three Principles of the People
Nationalism – China united and free of foreign influence Democracy – A government ruled by the people Livelihood – The right of all Chinese Citizens to make a living

23 Long March Nationalists forced communists over 6, 000 miles
7,000 out of 90,000 survived

24 Mao Zedong Leader of Chinese Communist Party and eventually China

25 Chiang Kai-Shek Leader of nationalists
Forced Mao and communists on the Long March

26 Kowtow To bow low

27 Open Door Policy Attempt by U.S. to give all nations equal access to China

28 The practice and theory of communism in china
Theory-create a classless society Practice-government officials became the elite

29 April 12th Incident Chiang Kai-Shek attempts to kill or imprison Communist leaders to gain control of the country. Also called the Shanghi Massacre

30 Appeals of communism End government oppression
Dictatorship of the people Land reforms Denounce imperialism industrialization

31 Totalitarian State Government control all aspects of people’s lives through a single party dictatorship

32 Country that supported Mao’s Revolution in 1917

33 Mao’s Constitution People’s National Congress
Protection for Democratic Rights Free Elections

34 Propaganda Spread of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause Mao-posters, school children

35 Liu Xaiobo Won the Nobel Prize Wants free speech in China
Opposed by the Chinese Government Currently serving an 11-year jail term

36 Tiananmen Square Chinese military shot unarmed protestors
200-2,000 killed Tank man photograph China doesn’t talk about it

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