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Action Journal By:Vella/5C.

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Presentation on theme: "Action Journal By:Vella/5C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Journal By:Vella/5C

2 My action Proposal

3 Topic Reusing papers to make frames

4 K - about recycling paper
Many people use papers. Most people cutdown trees for their own needs. Some villages recycle papers. Trees absorb CO2 and release oxygen. If there is no more trees there will be more CO2 . Trees reduce pollution. Trees are getting less just for papers People waste paper when they still can use it. Some Villagers use paper as their important property. Paper can be used twice or more.

5 Purpose My puprose of doing this action are:
To reduce the amount of wasted paper To reduce the papers rubbish To save the environment

WHEN? on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday What? I will try to make frames out of recycle papers and I will try to make different kinds of frames. WHAT TIME? at around 12:00 in the morning or 5:00 in the afternoon Frist I will find old magazine, newspaper or old papers. Then I will prepare the materials for frame I will need. Then I will make my frame.

White Hat(fact): What will happen when more paper are wasted and there are more trees chopped to make paper? Red hat(feelings): how will children feel when their future is in danger because of less trees to absorb the CO2 ? Yellow hat(benefits): What will be the benefits of reusing paper? Black Hat (The problems):What are the problems of reusing paper? Green hat(The solutions):How can we do to reduce the use of papers? Blue hat(the thinking): Can the small thing we do such as reusing paper, planting trees etc help the environment? why?

8 PROBLEM There are a lot of used papers at my home. Newspapers, magazines, used wrapping papers, old books and many more. They are all ready to be thrown away. Those papers are made from trees, so, wasting them means chopping more trees down.

The benefit of recycling paper is helping the enviorment. Recycling paper can reduce the number of trees chopped down. Recycling paper and cardboard can save around 30-70% energy needed to make paper from old trees to grow new ones. When paper products are given or sent to an area that contains buried waste or material, Methane is released.

10 Methane is harmful to our enviorment.
In the same year mostly people only recycled 63 percent (or nearly 45 million tons) of all the paper that Americans used. We can save the enviorment by reusing The kids will feel harmed and they do not have fresh air to breath. By making Decorations, Recycling paper when printing we can use the back side of the paper if there is more pages and more. We can help the environment by reusing the paper so not much trees are chopped.

Reusing paper to make decorations like frames is one way to counteract the air pollution problem by making fewer trees chopped because reusing paper can increase the absorbing of more CO2 which means less air pollution and more oxygen for us.

12 CAUSES People chop down trees to make
papers and paperboard but wasting Paper after 1 time use.

13 Effect/Impacts If we don’t reuse paper more trees will be chopped and there will be air pollution and if we keep wasting papers more and more tress are chop and more air pollution grows into global warming.

14 Here are the ways to make frames!
First collect cardboard and papers or magazine and newspaper that being thrown away. Next prepare the things you need like decorations stuff, scissors, glue and others. Next you can cut out a hole like a square or rectangle and you can cut out the papers or magazine and stick it or you can cut out a cardboard and decorate it and stick the picture. And make sure if you do the first one you don’t glue all of the cardboard side leave one side not stick.

15 My action What I have done What I have learnt What I feel now
My Action Evidences: pictures recording data result parents/adult people comments What I have done What I have learnt What I feel now What I will do next I have made a frames out of recycled papers that I found in magazines. I have learnt that making frames help us to save the earth from the air pllution. I feel happy because I did an action to save the earth. Next I will try to make more frames from recycled papers. I am making my frame Materials that I used to make the frame

16 Conclusion So, when reusing papers to make frames I felt happy because I could help the earth. And I have made a great frames to put in my room and living room that is made from reuse papers.


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