2 E 1 S E M N G Simple Past Tense

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1 2 E 1 S E M N G Simple Past Tense
D 2 E 1 S E M N G ม. I G I T Simple Past Tense A L 4.0

2 [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs
Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Grammar G FORM [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs I T A L 4.0

3 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar Examples:
You called Jeff. Did you call Jeff? You did not call Jeff. I T A L 4.0

4 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar
• Regular verbs Form the past simple of regular verbs by adding -ed to the infinitive (without to). For verbs ending in -e, only add -d. ex. I enjoyed the film. I loved the music. She decided to stay. They opened the box. The form is the same for I, you, he, she, it, we, they I T A L 4.0

5 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar
• Spelling changes Verbs ending in consonant + -y change -y to -ie. try tried cry cried Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant , double the final consonant. regret regretted fit fitted I T A L 4.0

6 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar
•Irregular verbs There is a list of the most common irregular verbs on page 268. It is necessary to learn these forms. eat ate drink drank wake woke I T A L 4.0

7 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar •Questions
Form question with did + the infinitive (without to) Did you enjoy the film? Did you drink all the milk? What did you do yesterday? Why did she leave? I T A L 4.0

8 D I G I T A L 4.0 Simple Past Tense ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Grammar • Negatives
Form negatives with did not + the infinitive without to. The coat did not fit me. Carol did not eat very much. Short forms : The coat didn’t fit me. Carol didn’t eat very much. I T A L 4.0

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