Self- Identity Two girls sat in the housekeeping area. After arriving to class, Grace walked over to the girls and asked, “Can I play too?” She sought.

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1 Self- Identity Two girls sat in the housekeeping area. After arriving to class, Grace walked over to the girls and asked, “Can I play too?” She sought out other children to play with in a positive manner.

2 Emotional Development
In the gym, Grace was walking around the room with the girl on the right. As they were walking, she grabbed the girl’s hand and proceeded to hold it while they continued walking together. She was showing affection toward the other girl.

3 Social Play During free- play, three children were using crayons at the art table. Grace sat down at the table and did not talk to the others. She picked up a crayon and colored on the object in her left hand. She used the materials the other children were using, but was not joining them in the same activity.

4 Prosocial Behavior Grace stapled this blue paper into a circle and then glued a rose petal on it. She wore it and walked around the room. She then walked up to another girl and gave it to her, telling her, “Now you can be the princess”. She shared this item with another child.

5 Gross- Motor Development.
On the indoor gym, Grace used alternating hands and feet to go up the climber. She did this four times with controlled movements. Following the last climb up, Grace proceeded to climb down the incline while standing, using alternating feet. She then jumped with both feet onto the ground from the second rung of the climber.

6 Fine- Motor Development.
Grace held her crayon in her right hand. She displayed controlled movements with this drawing tool while composing her picture.

7 Cognitive Development
The art table and materials shelf were lined up on the same wall of the classroom. The crayons and other materials were on the shelf. The crayon bin had several cups in it and each cup had similar-colored crayons grouped together. Grace stood in front of the shelf and looked at it. She then reached down and picked up the bin with the crayons. As she turned to put the bin on the table, she dropped it on the floor. The teacher asked her to pick them up. Grace picked up the crayons, putting the similar-colored crayons together in the same cups. She sorted the crayons as they were prior to her dropping the bin.

8 Spoken Language Three children, including Grace, watched a video from the teacher’s trip to Haiti. Following the video, the teacher asked the group, “What did you see that was different than us in the video?” Grace replied with two expanded sentences and said, “The people did not wear shoes. Shoes would get dirty in all the mud”.

9 Pre-writing and Pre-reading Skills
After Grace put her things in her cubby, she walked over to the art table. There was a sheet with the date at the top and it was labeled “sign-in”. She picked up a pencil in her right hand and wrote her name correctly on one of the empty lines.

10 Art Skills Before beginning the activity, the children were instructed to draw a “wacky” picture. Grace drew this picture, which included a “sun”, a person, and a house. She drew several objects together in one picture.

11 Imagination While playing “Golden Princess”, Grace told the TA, “You are the queen”. She then walked to the block area and built this structure. She told the TA to sit on it and that “this is your throne”. She built a detailed element for her dramatic play theme.

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