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I. Southern British Colonies

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Presentation on theme: "I. Southern British Colonies"— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Southern British Colonies
A. British Women in the South 1. Jamestown Tobacco Tobacco Brides 2. Population and Life Span disease death due to childbirth 3. Women in the Chesapeake women inheritance feme covert/sole 4. Indentured Servants 5. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 – protest against elite 6. Planter Class

2 I. Southern British Colonies
B. African Women 1. Early Slavery 2. Middle Passage 3. Slavery Institutionalized 4. Demographics 5. African American Families and Culture 6. Freed Blacks

3 II. Northern British Colonies
A. Introduction 1. Puritan Beliefs – equality before God; moral code sexual pleasure only through marriage to help sustain the order education – women taught to read and write religious scriptures 2. Puritan Migration

4 II. Northern British Colonies
B. The Puritan Search for Order: The Family and the Law 1. Family Migration and Birthrates 2. Regulation of Marriage, Sexual Relations 3. Mary Rowlandson C. Disorderly Women 1. Anne Hutchinson 2. Witchcraft in New England

5 II. Northern British Colonies
D. Women’s Work and Consumption Patterns 1. Women’s Labor 2. Networks of Women 3. Midwives 4. Northern Slavery 5. Consumer Revolution

6 II. Northern British Colonies
E. Dissenters from Dissenters: Women in Pennsylvania 1. William Penn 2. Equality among Quakers 3. Quakers and Slavery

7 III. Other Europes/Other Americas
A. New Netherland 1. Dutch Colonization 2. Women’s Legal Rights 3. African Americans and Jews in Colony 4. Changes under English Rule

8 III. Other Europes/Other Americas
B. New France 1. Gender Balance in Colony 2. Fur Traders and Native Women 3. Ursuline Nuns – committed to the education of women C. New Spain 1. Pueblo Revolt 2. Spanish Regain Control – women could own property

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