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Duties & Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

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1 Duties & Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

2 Duties of Citizenship Required duties are the “musts” of citizenship
Required by law to perform these actions Duties of all required citizens listed in the Constitution and state laws

3 Duties of Citizenship 1. Obey the law
Government can’t work if citizens don’t obey the law Also important to know what the laws are (i.e. driving a vehicle) 2. Attend School Education provides you with the knowledge needed to fulfill your duties and responsibilities as a citizen Provide you with skills needed to join to workforce and promote economic growth

4 Duties of Citizenship 3. Paying Taxes
Taxes pay for the services provided by the government (police, fire, streets, schools, sewage/water, electricity, etc. etc.) Tax money also pays the costs of maintaining the military 4. Serving in the Armed Forces Since U.S. has only used volunteers for the military All men when they turn 18 MUST register with the Selective Service Ensures we have enough people to draft if unforeseen war or crisis occurs

5 Duties of Citizenship 5. Serving Jury Duty
Must serve on a jury or testify as a witness if called to court Often inconvenient, but the right to a trial by jury depends on us fulfilling this duty

6 Responsibilities of Citizenship
Responsibilities are the “should” of citizenship Not required by law but most Americans recognize their importance 1. Voting One of our most important rights; each voter helps determine the actions of the government Every vote counts- elections are usually decided by a couple thousand votes DON’T COMPLAIN IF YOU DON’T VOTE!

7 Responsibilities of Citizenship
2. Being Informed Education and being informed of current events helps us make better political and economic decisions Take an active interest in what your local leaders and politicians are doing- communicate with them! 3. Taking Part in Government Nothing is stopping you from taking a government job Register to vote, participate in government functions

8 Responsibilities of a Citizen
4. Help Your Community Take an active role in your community (volunteer work) What are some things you can do to help your community? 5. Respecting and Protecting Others’ Rights Success as a nation depends on the protection of our individual rights Help protect people whose rights are being violated (communicate with elected officials, protest, etc. etc.)

9 ? What is a “duty” of citizenship?
What are the primary duties every citizen must fulfill in their lives? What is a “responsibility” of citizenship? What are the primary responsibilities every citizen should fulfill in their lives? In your opinion, what is the most important duty we have? The most important responsibility?

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