Delete this box when you are done!

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Presentation on theme: "Delete this box when you are done!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 IB Design Spreadsheets Unit – Balanced Lifestyles Name - Teacher – Mr Gill

2 Delete this box when you are done!
Make a start slide here. Give the slide a title Add images about: Spreadsheets Being Healthy Delete this box when you are done!

3 Part 1 - Inquiring and Analyzing

4 Identifying the Problem
What is a balanced lifestyle? Why is it important to lead a balanced life? What will happen if we have unbalanced lives?

5 Where did you find the information? (Web address)
Research Fill in the table below. Choose 2 activities you do everyday (example - studying). I have chosen the first one for you. Use the internet to find the recommended time we should spend on each activity Copy and paste a link to the information. DO NOT use a Baidu link. I want to see the real website where you found your information (example – Activity Name How much time per day? Where did you find the information? (Web address) Exercise

6 What do you like/dislike about the design?
Research Fill in the table below. Find 3 examples of apps or websites that help you lead a balanced life (example – running app on your phone). Explain why you like the design of the app (example – its easy to use because it has large buttons). DO NOT use music apps. I want to see only apps that help you lead a balanced life. What kind of app is it? Where did you find it? Image of your research What do you like/dislike about the design?

7 Part B - Developing ideas

8 Design Brief What are you going to make for this project?
What will your spreadsheet do? Who is the spreadsheet for? What design features will you include to make sure people like using your spreadsheet?

9 Success Criteria – How I will make sure my spreadsheet is successful
Design Specification Write a design specification for your spreadsheet. Use the 3 sections in the table below Function – What are the goals of your spreadsheet? What is its purpose? Production – What will your spreadsheet look like? What design features will it include? Testing – How will you test your spreadsheet to see if it is successful and meets the needs of your target audience? Success Criteria – How I will make sure my spreadsheet is successful Function: Production: Testing:

10 Designing the Spreadsheet
Before we make anything in Excel you must design on paper Sketch 3 designs for your spreadsheet. Your designs must show: The questions you will ask The colors you will use The images your will include Use a ruler when drawing your design!

11 My First Design

12 My Second Design

13 My Third Design

14 Choosing my Final Design
Will you choose this design? Yes or no? Why did you choose/reject this design? What features of the design matched your design specification?

15 Part C - Creating the Solution

16 Reason the time changed
Project Plan Fill in the table below. Make a list of things you will do to create your poster Write how long you THINK each step will take to complete When you finish making your product write how long each step ACTUALLY took to finish and why Step Planned time Actual time Reason the time changed

17 Design Journal Make your spreadsheet using Excel
Screenshot your progress - For each step of your spreadsheet take a screenshot showing how it you made it Add a title for each step Type a sentence explaining what you did underneath your screenshots Add one slide for each step

18 Put a screenshot of your finished spreadsheet here.
My Finished Product Put a screenshot of your finished spreadsheet here.

19 My Design vs My Final Product
Paper Design Finished Excel Spreadsheet What did you change? Why?

20 Part D - Evaluation

21 Testing My Questionnaire Create a questionnaire to collect feedback about your spreadsheet. Ask 5 (minimum) questions about your spreadsheet. Give it to your friends and find out what they think. Paste your questionnaire into this page when you have finished. Don’t forget to delete the teachers writing!

22 Feedback – What did they say about your spreadsheet?
Testing Questionnaire Feedback Name of interviewee Feedback – What did they say about your spreadsheet?

23 What did you learn from your questionnaire?
Testing What did you learn from your questionnaire? Choose 2 questions from your questionnaire Use the information you gathered to create a chart showing the responses from your chosen questions Add a sentence for each one explaining what data is being shown

24 Thinking About Improvements
Look at the feedback from your questionnaire Think about what you like and don’t like about your spreadsheet Explain what changes you would like to make if you had more time You need at least 3 suggestions for a good grade. Changes I would like to make to my spreadsheet Reason for change

25 Conclusion – Impact on the Audience
Testing Conclusion – Impact on the Audience Do you think your spreadsheet was successful? Why? What do you think will happen after people have seen your spreadsheet?

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