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Homework, Organization & Planning Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Homework, Organization & Planning Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework, Organization & Planning Skills
h.o.p.s. binder Homework, Organization & Planning Skills

2 What you should have: 3” D ring binder Pencil Pouch with 3 holes
Agenda 16 tabs (5 ELA, 3 math, 3 SS, 3 Science, 2 encore) Loose leaf paper **dividers will be provided **orange homework folder will be handed out next week (you may use your own until then OR use the front pocket of your binder

3 Name on binder You can either: 1. Use a sharpie and write your name
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR NAME ON THE FRONT OF YOUR BINDER You can either: 1. Use a sharpie and write your name 2. If you have a clear pocket front, insert a paper with your name

4 1. Pencil pouch Your pencil pouch should be in the very front of your binder Your pencil pouch should include items that your teachers expect you to have: Pencils Highlighters Post it notes Red pens Color pencils Other items that your teachers require you to have

5 2. agenda Your agenda goes behind your pencil pouch
Your agenda should be filled in every day (every class) Even if you do not have homework, write in your agenda “no homework” Writing in your agenda every class should become routine!

6 3. HOMEWORK FOLDER EVERYONE WILL BE GETTING AN ORANGE HOMEWORK FOLDER ON 8/29 OR 8/30 WHEN YOU RECEIVE YOUR ORANGE FOLDER, YOU MUST: Write “Homework Folder” and your name on the front On the inside LEFT pocket, write “TO DO” On the inside RIGHT pocket, write “TURN IN”

7 4. Ela section Yellow ELA divider
5 tabs: (write the following on the tabs) Storyworks Classwork Resources/Notes IXL/eSpark Graded work

8 5. math section Blue math divider
3 tabs: (write the following on the tabs) Classwork Notes ***Leave blank for now

9 6. Social studies section
Salmon color Social Studies divider 3 tabs: (write the following on the tabs) DGQ SS Notes SS Graded Work

10 7. science section Green Science divider
3 tabs: (write the following on the tabs) Sci NOW Sci Notes Sci 200

11 8. encore section Pink Encore divider
2 tabs: (write the following on the tabs) HEALTH **this section is for any other Encore class that requires you to keep a folder/binder

12 9. Loose leaf paper Add loose leaf paper to the very back of the binder.

13 health class Throughout your semester of Health, you will be using an organizational system and reward system. You will work on things such as: Keeping your binder organized Keeping your locker organized/clean Filling in your agenda Time management skills Study skills

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