We all hate it, but we all have to do it

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Presentation on theme: "We all hate it, but we all have to do it"— Presentation transcript:

1 We all hate it, but we all have to do it
Laundry We all hate it, but we all have to do it











12 Laundry!!! Learning how to do laundry is an important life skill!
We have to do it because 1. Eventually our parents will stop doing it 2. We must have clean clothes to be socially appropriate! Today we will: Learn the basic steps of doing laundry Learn how to interpret a clothing label Practice folding clothes Learn the lazy-person’s way to do laundry and still look ok! Play a laundry game!

13 Basic Steps Arrange your papers in what you think is the right order for doing laundry. Watch this video: Double-check your steps and add them to your notebook. You can make a booklet with the steps You can tape the steps in in the correct order These are only the most basic steps. Can you think of some extra steps or information you could add that you saw in the video?

14 Interpret a Label Tape the Laundry Symbols chart in your notebook
Check out the symbols! Interpret the label examples with a partner!

15 Folding Clothes Why is it important to fold clothes well right away?
Watch this video: uz6rjbw0ZA0 Practice folding t-shirts!

16 Choose your laundry style!
Grandma Nichols Ms. Sarah Sort her clothes Use exactly the right temperature of water based on the tag Use exactly the right dryer settings and separate the clothes that should hang dry Fold and hang clothes immediately Iron clothes that are wrinkled Throw them all in together Wash on cold Dry all clothes together. RIP, shirt that shrank Put away clothes…eventually… Spray wrinkled clothes with Downy Wrinkle Release spray

17 Crazy Laundry Carnival!
Three activities: Tide Pod- Toss Dryer sheet – Blow Hangers – Ring toss Social Expectations: Be safe Be fair Take turns Voice levels 3 or below Materials needed: 5-10 Tide Pods and 2 empty cups 5-6 dryer sheets 2-3 rulers and multiple plastic hangers with a bottom rung (see slide) Activities: Toss the Tide Pod into an empty cup some distance away Race a friend! Blow the dryer sheet across a given distance. Don’t use your hands! Either mark out a place on the floor or have a student hold a ruler has the target. Have other students toss hangers into the spot/onto the floor.

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