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Did this person learn from the homework?

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Presentation on theme: "Did this person learn from the homework?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did this person learn from the homework?

2 You’ll need to know all of the following information as well for a quiz tomorrow. It is easy but making yourself study may be a little difficult.

3 Earbuds Keep those ear buds out of your ears in the hallway. Please don’t make me tell you when you arrive to take your ear buds out. They are not allowed in the hallway. However, you will need a pair of ear buds for this class. There will be a lot of watching videos and listening to music.

4 There Is No Turning Back
Once you are in the room, you must stay in until class is dismissed. Do not put down your books and then go to the bathroom. The only way you are here on time is if you are in the room when Mr. Irwin takes roll.

5 Seated and Quiet Mr. Irwin must only give instructions one time. For that to happen, you will have to be seated and quiet. Once he gives the okay, you may talk all you want, but please wait until that time.

6 ONLY ART AT ALL TIMES There is no time for anything but art in here. Please do not arrive thinking that you will be able to do homework for another class. Even if you finish your assignment early, you are expected to stay on task with more work about fine art.

This is a school rule and Mr. Irwin is 100% supportive of it. You can have water, but that’s it. That’s all Mr. Irwin is allowed to have too.

8 Bags Under the Table All bags go under the table. We can’t have people stepping over and tripping on bags, nor can we have bags cluttering up the table. If Mr. Irwin has to step over a bag, he will put it outside.

This is a school rule, not Mr. Irwin’s. These issues can get really, really ugly so let’s not go down that road.

10 No Throwing Any time an object becomes airborne off of the force you provided, that makes it a throw. We throw without thinking about it, so eventually you’ll throw something sharp, and someone could get hurt.

11 Watch Your Mouth Gossip is annoying and inappropriate. Foul language is unnecessary and has no place in the classroom. Please, only speak to people at your table so you don’t have to raise your voice.

12 Clean Up Duty Should Mr. Irwin find you not in compliance of any classroom rules, or if just thinks you’re being annoying on purpose, he might give you clean up duty. In that case, you’ll have to clean up everyone’s mess. You don’t want that.

13 Turning in Work Always turn in work when it is due, even if it’s incomplete. Non-submissions result in an immediate zero, which can be raised to a C. Incomplete work can be resubmitted for full credit.

14 The Bathroom and Related Stuff
Don’t ask. It’s not my rule. It’s the school’s. Sorry.

15 Amendments Quiet is needed during announcements and during critiques
Writing assignments have a set criteria that will be used each time

16 The Silent Majority Most Raiders proceed through class without hesitation, and give nothing but their best. There are always a handful that will complain no matter what and try to get out of anything. The smaller group is often the loudest, and brings negativity to the classroom. Which group are you in?

17 Extra Requirements You will have a number of evening or weekend activities that you will be required to perform. YOU CAN DO THESE THINGS! Sometimes it may be inconvenient but you can and must. Do not tell Mr. Irwin that you cannot make it- find a solution or an alternative. He will be happy to help you with this.

18 Examples You will be required to attend both of the Genesians’ theatre productions and write a short paper about each one. We will attend a musical mass this year as a class that will be on a weeknight. The school holds a Fine Arts Showcase night in February. Your attendance at this event is mandatory.

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