adjective" for each group of words. In other words, determine (i) what part of speech the root words were before the affix was added and (ii) what part of speech the words are after the affix has been added. 1. -ness: friendliness, happiness, restlessness, deviousness __________ + ness ====> __________ 2. -al: national, fictional, colonial, mortal,1 emotional __________ + -al ====> __________ 3. re-: reuse, rework, redo, reanalyze, replay re- + ____________ ====> __________ 4. mis-: misspell, misanalyze, mistrust, miscalculate mis- + ____________ ====> __________ 5. un-: untie, unroll, unwrap, undo, unlock un- + ____________ ====> __________ 6. un-: 2 unhappy, unresponsive, unlucky, ungrammatical"> adjective" for each group of words. In other words, determine (i) what part of speech the root words were before the affix was added and (ii) what part of speech the words are after the affix has been added. 1. -ness: friendliness, happiness, restlessness, deviousness __________ + ness ====> __________ 2. -al: national, fictional, colonial, mortal,1 emotional __________ + -al ====> __________ 3. re-: reuse, rework, redo, reanalyze, replay re- + ____________ ====> __________ 4. mis-: misspell, misanalyze, mistrust, miscalculate mis- + ____________ ====> __________ 5. un-: untie, unroll, unwrap, undo, unlock un- + ____________ ====> __________ 6. un-: 2 unhappy, unresponsive, unlucky, ungrammatical">

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Morphology (Review exercises)

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1 Morphology (Review exercises)
Engl Dr. Nahla Nadeem

Rule: Produce a formula like "noun +-ly ===> adjective" for each group of words. In other words, determine (i) what part of speech the root words were before the affix was added and (ii) what part of speech the words are after the affix has been added. 1. -ness: friendliness, happiness, restlessness, deviousness __________ + ness ====> __________ 2. -al: national, fictional, colonial, mortal,1 emotional __________ + -al ====> __________ 3. re-: reuse, rework, redo, reanalyze, replay re- + ____________ ====> __________ 4. mis-: misspell, misanalyze, mistrust, miscalculate mis- + ____________ ====> __________ 5. un-: untie, unroll, unwrap, undo, unlock un- + ____________ ====> __________ 6. un-: 2 unhappy, unresponsive, unlucky, ungrammatical

3 Content or function words?
Are these words content or function? Give what the word class of each: noun verb, article, adjective, article, preposition Put (C) or (F) then the part of speech. Other  F. smoothly  Forget G. an  Establishment  H. study  With i. some  friendly J. child  O’Grady, 2009

4 Free & Bound Morphemes Discredit  dis (b) + credit (f) Discredit
Put a plus (+) sign between morphemes. Label each as bound (b) or free (f) Discredit  dis (b) + credit (f) Using  Use (f) + ing (b) Tricycle  Tri (b) + cycle Delight Delight (f) Justify  Just (f) + ify (b) Discredit Using Tricycle Delight Justify

5 Free & Bound Morphemes Television Informatory Farming
Reformation Ranch Put a plus (+) sign between morphemes. Label each as bound (b) or free (f) Tele (b) + vision (f) In (b) + form (f) + atory (b) Farm (f) + ing (b) Re (b) + form (f) + ation (b) Ranch (f)

6 Exercise: Word class/ part of speech
Determine the word class of each of the following words. Is it a content word of a function word? Establishment a to lovely inconvenience adversely submit or from Noun Determiner Preposition Adjective Adverb Verb Conjunction

7 Looking at the AFFIX: Inflectional or Derivational?
impermeable plagiarized plagiarize Cats despair fragility slowest Derivational prefix Inflectional suffix Derivational suffix

8 Looking at the AFFIX: Inflectional or Derivational?
premade undo whiten beaten oxen slower teacher Derivational prefix Derivational suffix Inflectional suffix

9 Looking at the AFFIX: Inflectional or Derivational?
Place a plus (+) sign between each morpheme Label each BM as derivational (D) on inflectional (I). Bill’s Running Player Action Roughest Comes Friendly BILL + ‘S (I) RUN + ING (I) PLAY + ER (D) * ACT + ION (D) ROUGH + EST (I) COME + S (I) FRIEND + LY (D) Rowe & Levine, 2012

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