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How many ...?.

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Presentation on theme: "How many ...?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many ...?

2 This is a birthday survey.
Look at the chart and answer the questions.

3 February How many students were born in February?
Three students were born in February. February

4 How many students were born in April?
Four students were born in April.

5 How many students were born in August?
No students were born in August.

6 How many students were born in September?
One student was born in September.

7 Look at the table and answer the questions.
Cat 13 Pat 19 Mandy 30 Sue 18 Sam 7 Ken 12 Peter6 Ben 16 Jenny 24 Lulu 25 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

8 How many classmates are there?
There are ten classmates. Whose birthday is in December? Sam’s and Lulu’s birthday are in December.

9 When is Ken’s birthday? His birthday is on the twelfth of January. How many classmates were born in May? Three classmates were born in May.

10 When is your birthday? Tell your teacher.

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